Data dictionary listing

The data dictionary is a set of Lawson pre-defined names that are used to access information in General Ledger for use in Report Writer. Data dictionary names provide a shortcut, or simplified way to request information you want to include in the columns of a report. For example, if you select CPBUD, then the system retrieves current period budget amounts to include in your report. Select CYDAMT to include current year-to-date actual amounts.

You must load the Lawson data dictionary before using the Report Writer application. You cannot change or add to the pre-defined dictionary. See Loading the data dictionary.

Data dictionary names are abbreviated representations of the data they actually describe, such as CPBUD being short for current period budget amounts.

You can also run Data Dictionary Listing (RW205) to create a data dictionary listing.

These hints can help you understand the naming conventions used for data dictionary names:

  • Names that begin with @ are generally used for report and column headings. They access alpha character information in the data dictionary. For example, select @CONM to print the company name in a report heading or column.

  • Data dictionary names that do not begin with @ access balance information within General Ledger. Current period budget amounts (CPBUD) is a good example of balance information that you might include in a report.

  • The first letters of a numeric data dictionary name identify the time period for the data. The first letter represents the year, and the next one or two letters represent the time frame within that year.

    C Current year
    L Last year
    N Next year
    P Previous year
    P Current period
    Q Current quarter
    QD Quarter-to-Date
    YD Year-to-Date
    AMT Actual Amounts
    BUD Budget Amounts
    BUN Budget Units
    UNT Unit Amount
    CUR Account Currency Amounts
    RAM Report Currency Amounts
    TOT Total Names
    Illustration: breakdown of a data dictionary name
Data item Description Length Requirements
@ACCUR Account Currency 5 The currency assigned to the account. The item can be used in the report heading or the column definition.
@ACDES Account Description 30 If used in a heading, then the account description from the chart of accounts will be printed. If used in a column, then the row description or the chart of accounts description will be printed, depending on the detail option specified on the row file.
@ACNBR Account Number (With Subacct) 11 The default size of eleven characters is for the format: zzzzz9-9999. A size of six will print only the account number. Less than 6 will suppress leading zeros from the account. A size of 7 - 10 will suppress leading zeros from the account and subaccount. A 9 would print 1111-0001.
@ACT Account Attribute 32 This item may be assigned to a report heading or a column. It prints the value of the account attribute and requires as a parameter the name of a valid account attribute. @ACT (SRU Code) Returns the SRU code assigned to the account.
@AGDES Account Group Description 30 This item can be assigned to a report heading or column.
@AGNM Account Group Name 12 This item can be assigned to a report heading or column.
@ALPEC Alpha Period End Date (CTR) 18 This item prints the period end date in alpha format and will center the date within the field size. This item can only be assigned to report headings.
@ALPED Alpha Period End Date (LJ) 18 This item prints the period end date in alpha format. This item can only be assigned to report headings.
@ALPER Alpha Period End Date (RJ) 18 This item prints the period end date in alpha format and will right justify the date within the field size. This item can only be assigned to report headings.
@AUADN Accounting Unit Address Name 30 If used in a heading line, the address name of the accounting unit currently being processed will print. This item can also be printed in a column, if the row file detail option is (l) and the row file is a (levels only) or (levels and accounts) type.
@AUCON Accounting Unit Contact 30 If used in a heading line, then the address contact of the accounting unit currently being processed will print. This item can also be used in a column, if the row file detail option is (l) and the row file is a (levels only) or (levels and accounts) type.
@AUCRY Accounting Unit Country 30 If used in a heading line, then the address country of the accounting unit currently being processed will print. This item can also be printed in a column, if the row file detail option is (l) and the row file is a (levels only) or (levels and accounts) type.
@AUCTY Accounting Unit County 25 This item prints the address county for the accounting unit currently being processed and can be assigned to report headings or columns.
@AUDEC Acct Unit Description (CTR) 30 This item can only be used on report headers. It will print the accounting unit description centered within the 30-character field size. The field must still be placed on the report in the location desired.
@AUDES Accounting Unit Description 30 If used in a heading line, then the description of the accounting unit currently being processed will print. This item can also be printed in a column, if the row file detail option is (l) and the row file is a (levels only) or (levels and accounts) type.
@AUFAX Accounting Unit Fax 15 If used in a heading line, then the fax number of the accounting unit currently being processed will print. This item can also be printed in a column, if the row file detail option is (l) and the row file is a (levels only) or (levels and accounts) type.
@AUFCT Acct Unit Fax Country Code 6 If used in a heading line, then the fax country prefix of the accounting unit currently being processed will print. This item can also be printed in a column, if the row file detail option is (l) and the row file is a (levels only) or (levels and accounts) type.
@AUFEX Acct Unit Fax Extension 5 If used in a heading line, then the fax extension of the accounting unit currently being processed will print. This item can also be printed in a column, if the row file detail option is (l) and the row file is a (levels only) or (levels and accounts) type.
@AULN1 Accounting Unit Address Line 1 30 If used in a heading line, then the address line one of the accounting unit currently being processed will print. This item can also be printed in a column, if the row file detail option is (l) and the row file is a (levels only) or (levels and accounts) type.
@AULN2 Accounting Unit Address Line 2 30 If used in a heading line, then the address line two of the accounting unit currently being processed will print. This item can also be printed in a column, if the row file detail option is (l) and the row file is a (levels only) or (levels and accounts) type.
@AULN3 Accounting Unit Address Line 3 30 If used in a heading line, then the address line three of the accounting unit currently being processed will print. This item can also be printed in a column, if the row file detail option is (l) and the row file is a (levels only) or (levels and accounts) type.
@AULN4 Accounting Unit Address Line 4 30 If used in a heading line, then the address line four of the accounting unit currently being processed will print. This item can also be printed in a column, if the row file detail option is (l) and the row file is a (levels only) or (levels and accounts) type.
@AULN5 Accounting Unit Address Line 5 18 If used in a heading line, then the address line five of the accounting unit currently being processed will print. This item can also be printed in a column, if the row file detail option is (l) and the row file is a (levels only) or (levels and accounts) type.
@AUOP1 Acct Unit User Field 1 15 If used in a heading line, then user field one of the accounting unit currently being processed will print. This item can also be printed in a column, if the row file detail option is (l) and the row file is a (levels only) or (levels and accounts) type.
@AUOP2 Acct Unit User Field 2 15 If used in a heading line, then user field two of the accounting unit currently being processed will print. This item can also be printed in a column, if the row file detail option is (l) and the row file is a (levels only) or (levels and accounts) type.
@AUOP3 Acct Unit User Field 3 30 If used in a heading line, then user field three of the accounting unit currently being processed will print. This item can also be printed in a column, if the row file detail option is (l) and the row file is a (levels only) or (levels and accounts) type.
@AUPC Accounting Unit Postal Code 10 If used in a heading line, then the address postal code of the unit currently processed will print. This item can also be printed in a column, if the row file detail option is (l) and the row file is a (levels only) or (levels and accounts) type.
@AUPCT Acct Unit Phone Country Code 6 If used in a heading line, then the phone country prefix of the accounting unit currently being processed will print. This item can also be printed in a column, if the row file detail option is (l) and the row file is a (levels only) or (levels and accounts) type.
@AUPEX Acct Unit Phone Extension 5 If used in a heading line, then the phone extension of the accounting unit currently being processed will print. This item can also be printed in a column, if the row file detail option is (l) and the row file is a (levels only) or (levels and accounts) type.
@AUPHN Accounting Unit Phone 15 If used in a heading line, then the phone number of the accounting unit currently being processed will print. This item can also be printed in a column, if the row file detail option is (l) and the row file is a (levels only) or (levels and accounts) type.
@AURSP Person Resp For Acct Unit 15 This item can be assigned to report headings, or report columns, if the row detail option is (l) and the row file is a (levels only) or (levels and accounts) type.
@AUSTP Accounting Unit State/Province 2 If used in a heading line, then the address state or province of the accounting unit currently being processed will print. This item can also be printed in a column, if the row file detail option is (l) and the row file is a (levels only) or (levels and accounts) type.
@AUTLX Accounting Unit Telex 15 If used in a heading line, then the user filed three of the accounting unit currently being processed will print. This item can also be printed in a column, if the row file detail option is (l) and the row file is a (levels only) or (levels and accounts) type.
@BSCUR Company Base Currency 5 This item prints the base currency for the company currently being processed and can be assigned to report headings or columns.
@COADN Company Address Name 30 This item prints the address name for the company currently being processed and can be assigned to report headings or columns.
@COCON Company Contact 30 This item prints the address contact for the company currently being processed and can be assigned to report headings or columns.
@COCRY Company Country 30 This item prints the address country for the company currently being processed and can be assigned to report headings or columns.
@COCTY Company County 25 This item prints the address county for the company currently being processed and can be assigned to report headings or columns.
@COFAX Company Fax 15 This item prints the fax number for the company currently being processed and can be assigned to report headings or columns.
@COFCT Company Fax Country Code 6 This item prints the fax country prefix for the company currently being processed and can be assigned to report headings or columns.
@COFEX Company Fax Extension 5 This item prints the fax extension for the company currently being processed and can be assigned to report headings or columns.
@COLN1 Company Address Line 1 30 This item prints address line one for the company currently being processed and can be assigned to report headings or columns.
@COLN2 Company Address Line 2 30 This item prints address line two for the company currently being processed and can be assigned to report headings or columns.
@COLN3 Company Address Line 3 30 This item prints address line three for the company currently being processed and can be assigned to report headings or columns.
@COLN4 Company Address Line 4 30 This item prints address line four for the company currently being processed and can be assigned to report headings or columns.
@COLN5 Company Address Line 5 18 This item prints address line five for the company currently being processed and can be assigned to report headings or columns.
@CONM Company Name 30 This item prints the name of the company currently processed and can be assigned to report headings or columns.
@CONMC Company Name (Centered) 30 This item prints the name of the company currently processed and will center it within the 30 character field size. This item can only be assigned to a heading.
@COOP1 Company User Field 1 15 This item prints user field one for the company currently being processed and can be assigned to report headings or columns.
@COOP2 Company User Field 2 15 This item prints user field two for the company currently being processed and can be assigned to report headings or columns.
@COOP3 Company User Field 3 30 This item prints user field three for the company currently being processed and can be assigned to report headings or columns.
@COPC Company Postal Code 10 This item prints the address postal code for the company currently being processed and can be assigned to report headings or columns.
@COPCT Company Phone Country Code 6 This item prints the phone country prefix for the company currently being processed and can be assigned to report headings or columns.
@COPEX Company Phone Extension 5 This item prints the phone extension for the company currently being processed and can be assigned to report headings or columns.
@COPHN Company Phone 15 This item prints the phone number for the company currently being processed and can be assigned to report headings or columns.
@COSTP Company State/Province 2 This item prints the address state/province for the company currently being processed and can be assigned to report headings or columns.
@COTLX Company Telex 15 This item prints the telex number for the company currently being processed and can be assigned to report headings or columns.
@CP Current Period Number 2 This item can be assigned to report headings and can also be used in compute statements to calculate year-to-date averages. This is the current period for the company being processed.
@CPAMO Alpha Month, Current Period LJ 9 This item prints the alpha month name (for example, January) and can only be assigned to report headings. The month printed is determined by converting the period end date to julian, subtracting 15, converting back, and extracting the month. This allows for 4-4-5 periods.
@CPAMR Alpha Month, Current Period RJ 9 This item prints the alpha month name (for example, January) and will right justify it within the field size. It can only be assigned in a heading. The month printed is determined by subtracting 15 days from the period end date and using the month in the resulting date. This allows for 4-4-5.
@CPY Company Number 4 This item prints the company number currently being processed and can be assigned to report headings or columns.
@CQ Current Quarter Number 1 This item can be assigned to report headings and can also be used in compute statements to calculate quarterly values. This is the current quarter for the company being processed. Periods 1, 2, and 3 are quarter 1, etc.
@CUDES Base Currency Code Description 30 This item prints the currency description for the company being processed and can be assigned to report headings or columns.
@CUEXP Base Currency Code Expression 10 This item prints the currency expression for the company being processed and can be assigned to report headings or columns.
@CUPED Current Period End Date 8 This item prints the current period end date in the format 99/99/99. It can only be assigned to report headings.
@CUQED Current Quarter Ending Date 8 This item prints the current quarter end date in the format 99/99/99. It can only be assigned to report headings.
@CYED Current Year Ending Date 8 This item prints the current year end date in the format 99/99/99. It can only be assigned to report headings.
@DATE Today's Date (System Date) 8 This item prints the current system date in the format: 99/99/99. It can only be assigned to report headings.
@FLDES Folder Description 30 This item is used for printing the folder description associated with the folder name on the report request. It can only be assigned to report headings.
@FLDNM Folder Name 12 This item can be used for printing the folder name from the report request. It can only be assigned to report headings.
@FMT Format Name 12 This item can be used for printing the format name from the report request. It can only be assigned to report headings. To print a format name, enter @fmtn, where n determines which format name to print from the request. For example, @fmt2 will print the second format name.
@FY Current Fiscal Year 4 This item can only be assigned to report headings. It will print the current fiscal year for the company being processed. Format is 1999.
@LFY Last Fiscal Year 4 This item can only be assigned to report headings. It will print the last year fiscal year for the company being processed. Format is 1999.
@LGDES Level Group Description 30 This item can be assigned to a report heading or column. It will print the level group description for the level group used on the report request.
@LGNM Level Group Name 12 This item can be assigned to a report heading or column. It will print the level group name for the level group used on the report request.
@LGRSP Person Resp For Level Group 15 This item can be assigned to a report heading or column. It will print the level group person responsible for the level group used on the report request.
@LVDES Level Description (1-5) 30 Depending on your level structure, there are up to five level descriptions that can be printed on a report heading. To print a level description, specify @lvdesn, where n determines which level to print from the current acct unit. For example, @lvdes2 will print the second level description.
@LVNBR Formatted Level Number 34 This item will print the variable levels associated with the accounting unit currently being processed. It can be assigned to a report heading or to a column, if the row detail option is (l) and the row file is a (levels only) or (levels and accounts) type.
@LYED Last Year Ending Date 8 This item prints the last year ending date in the format 99/99/99. It can only be assigned to report headings.
@LYPED Last Year Period End Date 8 This item prints the period end date for the period being processed, but for last year, in the format 99/99/99. It can only be assigned to report headings.
@LYQED Last Yr Curr Quarter End Date 8 This item prints last year current quarter end date in the format 99/99/99. It can only be assigned to report headings.
@NFY Next Fiscal Year 4 This item can only be assigned to report headings. It will print the next year fiscal year for the company being processed. Format is 1999.
@NP Number Of Accounting Periods 2 This item can be printed on report headings or used in compute statements. It will return the number of periods for the company currently being processed.
@NYED Next Year Ending Date 8 This item prints the next year ending date in the format 99/99/99. It can only be assigned to report headings.
@OPT1 User Field 1 2 This item can only be assigned to report headings or columns. For use in columns, there must be a row detail option of (a) or (s) for account detail. This will print the value in user field one for each account.
@OPT2 User Field 2 7 This item can only be assigned to report headings or columns. For use in columns, there must be a row detail option of (a) or (s) for account detail. This will print the value in user field two for each account.
@OPT3 User Field 3 12 This item can only be assigned to report headings or columns. For use in columns, there must be a row detail option of (a) or (s) for account detail. This will print the value in user field three for each account.
@PG Page Number 5 This item can only be assigned to report headings.
@PPAMO Alpha Month, nth Previous Prd 9 To print an alpha month name for a previous period, specify @ppamon, where n determines which previous period (valid period values are 1-12). Only applies to report headings. For example, @ppamo4 will print the month name from four periods back.
@PPAMR Alpha Month, nth Prev Prd (RJ) 9 To print a right-justified alpha month name for a previous period, specify @ppamrn, where n determines which previous period (valid values are 1-12). Only applies to headings. For example, @ppamr4 will print the month name from four periods back.
@PPPED End Date From nth Previous Prd 8 In order to print the period end date from a previous period, specify @pppedn, where n determines the period (valid period values are 1-12). Only applies to report headings. For example, @ppped5 will print the period end date from five periods back.
@PTDT Post Thru Date 8 This item prints the post thru date. It is used and maintained by the average daily balance module. It can only be assigned to report headings.
@PYFY Prev Year Fiscal Year 4 This item can only be assigned to report headings. It uses a required previous year parameter to calculate previous year based on report year. Format is 1999.
@ROWNM Row Name 12 This item can only be assigned to report headings.
@RQDES Report Description 50 There are three lines of report request descriptions that can be printed. To print a line of description, specify @rqdesn, where n determines which of the three lines to print. Applies to report headings only. For example, @rqdes2 will print the second description line.
@RQNM Report Name 12 This item can only be assigned to report headings.
@S1 Space After 1 Line This item can only be assigned to report headings. It causes one line to be skipped before printing the next heading line.
@S2 Space After 2 Lines This item can only be assigned to report headings. It causes two lines to be skipped before printing the next heading line.
@S3 Space After 3 Lines This item can only be assigned to report headings. It causes three lines to be skipped before printing the next heading line.
@SGDES Subaccount Group Description 30 This item can be assigned to a report heading or column.
@SGNM Subaccount Group Name 12 This item can be assigned to a report heading or column.
@TIME Time Of Day (HH:MM) 5 This item can only be assigned to report headings.
@UNIT Accounting Unit 15 If used in a heading line, then the accounting unit currently being processed will print. This item can also be used in a column, if the row file detail option is (l) and the row file is a (levels only) or (levels and accounts) type.
BASE Base Amount Of Spcfd Colms 14 This variable requires column parameter(s) to specify from which column(s) base amounts are to be summed: base(3) - base amount from column 3 base(2-19) - sum base amounts of columns 2 through 19.
BGBACA Activity Year Beg Balance Amou 14 This item accepts an optional year parameter. BGBACA - current year beginning balance BGBACA(1) - last year beginning balance
BGBACB Activity Year Beg Bal Budget 14 This item accepts optional year and budget parameters. BGBACB(,1) - current year beginning balance in budget 1
BGBACC Activity Year Beg Bal Currency 14 This item accepts an optional year parameter. BGBACC(1) - last year beginning balance inactivity currency
BGBACU Activity Year Beg Balance Unit 14 This item accepts an optional year parameter. BGBACU - current year beginning balance UNITS BGBACU(1) - last year beginning balance units
BILACA Activity Total Billed 14 This item accepts no parameters.
BLBACA Activity Total Billable 14 This item accepts no parameters.
CHAR Character String 1 This item will print a character on every line of the report allowing the report to have vertical rulings. It only applies to columns. A parameter is required to identify the print character. For example, char(|) will print a one position pipe character on each line.
CMTACA Activity Commitment Amount 14 This item accepts optional currency and system parameters. CMTACA(USD,PO) - U.S. dollar commitment amount from purchase order
CMTACU Activity Commitment Units 14 This item accepts optional currency and system parameters. CMTACU(USD,PO) - units of U.S. dollar commitment from purchase order
COLM Amount From Specified Colms 14 This variable requires column parameter(s) to specify from which column(s) amounts are to be summed: COLM (2-6) - sum of amounts in columns 2 through 6 COLM(3) - amount from column 3.
CONACA Activity Contract Amount 14 This item accepts no parameters.
CONV Conversion of Specified Colms 14 This variable converts the sum of the specified columns using the rate from current company currency to the specified currency. System date is used as the effect date. Requires column and currency code parameters: conv (1-3,euro) -- converts sum of colms 1-3 to euro
CPAMT Current Period Amount 14 This variable accepts optional accounting unit parameters. CPAMT(@CUAU) - current period amount for current a/u CPAMT(@TOAU) - current period amount for to a/u CPAMT(111) - current period amount for a/u (111).
CPBUD Current Period Budget 14 This variable will accept a budget parameter and an optional accounting unit parameter. CPBUD(23) - calculate using budget number 23 CPBUD(,111) - calculate using a/u (111), budget number will be specified later.
CPBUN Current Period Bud Units 14 This variable will accept a budget parameter and an optional accounting unit parameter. CPBUN(23) - calculate using budget number 23 CPBUN(,111) - calculate using a/u (111), budget number will be specified later.
CPCUR Current Period Currency 14 This variable cur is used to access the account currency where the account has been set up as non-base. Does not accept accounting unit parameter.
CPRAM Current Period Rpt Amount 14 This variable accepts optional report currency and accounting unit parameters. CPRAM(CAD,111) - current period amount in Canadian dollars for a/u (111)
CPTOT Current Period Total 14 This variable requires a total name parameter and allows an optional accounting unit parameter. This item can not be assigned to a report column in report writer. CPTOT(REVENUE,111) - curr period amount of total name (revenue) from a/u (111).
CPUNT Current Period Units 14 This variable will accept an optional accounting unitparameter. CPUNT(@CUAU) - current period units for current a/u CPUNT(@FRAU) - current period units for (from) a/u CPUNT(111) - current period units for a/u (111).
CQAMT Current Quarter Amount 14 This variable accepts optional accounting unit parameters. CQAMT(@CUAU) - current quarter amount for current a/u CQAMT(@TOAU) - current quarter amount for (to) a/u CQAMT(111) - current quarter amount for a/u (111).
CQBUD Current Quarter Budget 14 This variable will accept a budget parameter and an optional accounting unit parameter. CQBUD(23) - calculate using budget number 23 CQBUD(,111) - calculate using a/u (111), budget number will be specified later.
CQBUN Current Quarter Bud Units 14 This variable will accept a budget parameter and an optional accounting unit parameter. CQBUN(23) - calculate using budget number 23 CQBUN(,111) - calculate using a/u (111), budget number will be specified later
CQCUR Current Quarter Currency 14 This variable cur is used to access the account currency where the account has been set up as non-base. Does not accept accounting unit parameter.
CQDAMT Curr Quarter-To-Date Amount 14 This variable will print the quarter to date amount for the current quarter. If the report is run for period 2, only periods 1 and 2 will be included, not period 3. Parameters: optional accounting unit, @cuau, @toau, @frau.
CQDBUD Curr Quarter-To-Date Budget 14 This variable will print the quarter to date budget for the current quarter. If the report is run for period 2, only periods 1 and 2 will be included, not period 3. Parameters: optional accounting unit, @cuau, @toau, @frau.
CQDBUN Curr Qtr-To-Date Bud Units 14 This variable will print the qtr-to-date budget units for the current quarter. If the report is run for period 2, only periods 1 and 2 will be included, not period 3. Parameters: optional accounting unit, @cuau, @toau, @frau.
CQDCUR Curr Quarter-To-Date Currency 14 This variable cur is used to access the account currency where the account has been set up as non-base. Does not accept accounting unit parameter.
CQDRAM Curr Qtr-To-Date Rpt Amount 14 This variable accepts optional report currency and accounting unit parameters. CQDRAM(CAD,111) - current quarter-to-date amount in Canadian dollars for a/u (111)
CQDTOT Curr Quarter-To-Date Total 14 This variable will print the quarter to date amount for the current quarter. If the report is run for period 2, only periods 1 and 2 will be included, not period 3. Parameters: optional accounting unit, @cuau, @toau, @frau.
CQDUNT Curr Quarter-To-Date Units 14 This variable will print the quarter to date amount for the current quarter. If the report is run for period 2, only periods 1 and 2 will be included, not period 3. Parameters: optional accounting unit, @cuau, @toau, @frau.
CQRAM Current Qtr Rpt Amount 14 This variable accepts optional report currency and accounting unit parameters. CQRAM(CAD,111) - current quarter amount in Canadian dollars for a/u (111).
CQTOT Current Quarter Total 14 This variable requires a total name parameter and allows an optional accounting unit parameter. This item can not be assigned to a report column in report writer. CQTOT(REVENUE,111) - curr quarter amount of total name (revenue) from a/u (111).
CQUNT Current Quarter Units 14 This variable will accept an optional accounting unit parameter. CQUNT(@CUAU) - current quarter units for current a/u CQUNT(@FRAU) - current quarter units for (from) a/u CQUNT(111) - current quarter units for a/u (111).
CTCACA Activity Cost To Complete 14 This item accepts no parameters.
CYBAMT Current Year Beginning Balance 14 This variable will accept an optional accounting unit parameter. CYBAMT - current year beginning balance CYBAMT(111) - current year beginning balance in accounting unit (111)
CYBBUD Curr Yr Budget Begin Balance 14 This variable allows an accounting unit parameter a budget number is also required. CYBBUD(105) - current year beginning budget balance CYBBUD(,111) - current year beginning budget balance in acct unit (111), budget entered later
CYBBUN Curr Yr Bud Units Beg Bal 14 This variable allows an accounting unit parameter. A budget number is also allowed. CYBBUN(105) - current year beginning budget balance CYBBUN(,111) - current year beginning budget balance in acct unit (111), budget entered later
CYBCUR Curr Yr Currency Begin Balance 14 This variable cur is used to access the account currency where the account has been set up as non-base. Does not accept account unit parameter.
CYBRAM Curr Year Rpt Beginning Bal 14 This variable accepts optional report currency and accounting unit parameters. CYBRAM(CAD,111) - current year beginning balance in Canadian dollars for a/u (111)
CYBTOT Current Year Beg Balance Total 14 This variable requires a total name parameter and allows an optional a/u parameter. Can not be used for r/w column. CYBTOT(REVENUE,111) - curr year beginning balance of total name (revenue) from accounting unit (111)
CYBUNT Current Year Beg Units Balance 14 This variable allows an accounting unit (a/u) parameter. CYBUNT - current year beginning units balance CYBUNT(111) - current year beginning units balance in accounting unit (111)
CYDAMT Current Year-To-Date Amount 14 This variable will allow an optional accounting unit parameter. CYDAMT(@CUAU) - ytd amount from current accounting unit CYDAMT(@FRAU) - ytd amount from (from) accounting unit CYDAMT(111) - ytd amount from accounting unit (111)
CYDBUD Curr Year-To-Date Budget 14 This variable will accept a budget parameter and an optional accounting unit parameter. CYDBUD(23) - ytd budget for budget number 23 CYDBUD(23,111) - uses budget number 23 and a/u (111) CYDBUD - budget number will be specified later.
CYDBUN Curr Yr-To-Date Bud Units 14 This variable will accept a budget parameter and an optional accounting unit parameter. CYDBUN(23) - ytd budget for budget number 23 CYDBUN(23,111) - uses budget number 23 for a/u (111) CYDBUN - budget number will be specified later.
CYDCUR Curr Year-To-Date Currency 14 This variable cur is used to access the account currency where the account was set up as non-base. It does not accept accounting unit parameter.
CYDRAM Curr Year-To-Date Rpt Amount 14 This variable accepts optional report currency and accounting unit parameters. CYDRAM(CAD,111) - current year-to-date amount in Canadian dollars for a/u (111)
CYDTOT Curr Year-To-Date Total 14 This variable requires a total name parameter and allows an a/u parameter. Item can not be used for r/w column. CYDTOT(REVENUE,111) - current ytd amount from total name (revenue) from a/u (111)
CYDUNT Curr Year-To-Date Units 14 This variable allows an optional accounting unit parameter CYDUNT(111) - current ytd units from a/u (111) CYDUNT - current ytd units
CYPAMT Specified Period(s) Amount 14 This variable requires period parameter(s) and allows an optional accounting unit parameter. CYPAMT(2,111) - current year amount for period 2 from a/u (111) CYPAMT(1-4) - sum current year periods 1 through 4
CYPBUD Specified Period(s) Budget 14 This variable requires period parameter(s) and accepts budget and accounting unit parameters. CYPBUD(1-3) - periods 1 through 3,bud# supplied later CYPBUD(2-4,23) - uses budget number 23 for periods 2-4 CYPBUD(2,,111) - prd 2, bud# specified later, a/u (111)
CYPBUN Specified Prd(s) Bud Units 14 This variable requires period parameter(s) and accepts budget and accounting unit parameters. CYPBUN(1-3) - periods 1 through 3, bud# supplied later CYPBUN(2-4,23) - uses budget 23 for periods 2-4 CYPBUN(2,,111) - prd 2, bud# specified later, a/u (111)
CYPCUR Curr Year Period Currency 14 This variable cur is used to access the account currency where the account was set up as non-base. It does not accept accounting unit parameter.
CYPRAM Specified Period(s) Rpt Amt 14 This variable requires period parameter(s) and accepts optional report currency and accounting units parameters. CYPRAM(CAD,2,111) - current year period 2 amount in Canadian dollars for a/u (111)
CYPTOT Specified Period(s) Total 14 This item requires period and total name parameters and allows an a/u parameter. Can not be used for an r/w column. CYPTOT(1-3,REVENUE,111) - sum current year periods 1 through 3 for total (revenue) from a/u (111)
CYPUNT Specified Period(s) Units 14 This variable requires period parameter(s) to specify which periods are to be summed and also allows an optional accounting unit parameter. CYPUNT(2,111) - curr year period 2 units for a/u (111) CYPUNT(1-4) - sum current year periods 1 through 4
CYQAMT Specified Quarter Amount 14 This variable requires a quarter parameter and allows an optional accounting unit parameter. CYQAMT(2,111) - current year amount for quarter 2 from a/u (111)
CYQBUD Specified Quarter Budget 14 This variable requires a quarter parameter and accepts budget and accounting unit parameters. CYQBUD(1) - quarter 1,budget nbr supplied later CYQBUD(2,23) - uses budget number 23 for quarter 2 CYQBUD(2,,111) - qtr 2,bud# specified later, a/u (111)
CYQBUN Specified Qtr Bud Units 14 This variable requires a quarter parameter and accepts budget and accounting unit parameters. CYQBUN(1) - quarter 1, budget nbr supplied later CYQBUN(2,23) - uses budget number 23 for quarter 2 CYQBUD(2,,111) - qtr 2, bud# specified later, a/u (111)
CYQCUR Curr Year Quarter Currency 14 This variable cur is used to access the account currency where the account was set up as non-base. It does not accept accounting unit parameter.
CYQRAM Specified Quarter Rpt Amount 14 This variable requires a quarter parameter and accepts optional report currency and accounting unit parameters. CYQRAM(CAD,2,111) - current year quarter 2 amount in Canadian dollars for a/u (111)
CYQTOT Specified Quarter Total 14 This item requires quarter and total name parameters and allows an a/u parameter. Can not be used in r/w columns. CYQTOT(1,REVENUE,111) - current year quarter 1 for total name (revenue) from a/u (111)
CYQUNT specified Quarter Units 14 This variable requires a quarter number parameter and also allows an optional accounting unit parameter. CYQUNT(2,111) - curr year quarter 2 units for a/u (111) CYQUNT(1) - curr year quarter 1 units
CYTAMT Curr Year Total Amount 14 This variable will accept optional accounting unit parameters. CYTAMT - total year actual CYTAMT(CORP) - total year for acct unit corp
CYTBUD Curr Year Total Budget 14 This variable will accept both budget and accounting unit parameters. CYTBUD - budget number to be supplied later CYTBUD(23) - total budget for budget number 23 CYTBUD(,111) - a/u (111), budget specified later
CYTBUN Curr Yr Total Bud Units 14 This variable will accept both budget and accounting unit parameters. CYTBUN - budget number to be supplied later CYTBUN(23) - total budget for budget number 23 CYTBUN(,111) - a/u (111), budget specified later
CYTCUR Curr Year Total Currency 14 This variable cur is used to access the account currency where the account was set up as non-base. It does not accept accounting unit parameter.
CYTRAM Curr Year Total Rpt Amount 14 This variable accepts optional report currency and accounting unit parameters. CYTRAM(CAD,111) - current year total in Canadian dollars for a/u (111)
CYTTOT Total Current Year Total 14 This variable requires a total name parameter and allows an optional a/u parameter. Can not be used for r/w columns. CYTTOT(REVBUD,111) - total of current year total amounts from total name (revbud) for accounting unit (111)
CYTUNT Curr Year Total Units 14 This variable will accept optional accounting unit parameters. CYTUNT - total year unit CYTUNT(CORP) - total year for acct unit corp
LCPAMT Last Year Curr Period Amount 14 This variable allows an optional accounting unit parameter. LCPAMT(111) - last year current period amount from accounting unit (111)
LCPBUD Last Year Curr Period Budget 14 This variable will accept both budget and accounting unit parameters. LCPBUD(23) - calculate using budget number 23 LCPBUD(,111) - calculate for a/u (111), budget number will be specified later
LCPBUN Last Yr Curr Prd Bud Units 14 This variable will accept both budget and accounting unit parameters. LCPBUN(23) - calculate using budget number 23 LCPBUN(,111) - calculate for a/u (111), budget number will be specified later
LCPCUR Last Year Curr Period Currency 14 This variable cur is used to access the account currency where the account was set up as non-base. It does not accept accounting unit parameter.
LCPRAM Last Yr Curr Period Rpt Amt 14 This variable accepts optional report currency and accounting unit parameters. LCPRAM(CAD,111) - last year current period amount in Canadian dollars for a/u (111).
LCPTOT Last Year Curr Period Total 14 This variable requires a total name parameter and allows an optional accounting unit parameter. This item can not be assigned to a report column in report writer. LCPTOT(REVENUE,111) - last year current period amt from total (revenue) for a/u (111)
LCPUNT Last Year Curr Period Units 14 This variable accepts an optional accounting unit parameter. LCPUNT(111) - last year curr per units for a/u (111) LCPUNT(@CUAU) - last year curr per units for curr a/u
LCQAMT Last Year Curr Quarter Amount 14 This variable accepts an option accounting unit parameter. LCQAMT(111) - last year current quarter amount from accounting unit (111)
LCQBUD Last Year Curr Quarter Budget 14 This variable will accept both budget and accounting unit parameters. LCQBUD(23) - calculate using budget number 23 LCQBUD(,111) - calculate for a/u (111), budget number will be specified later
LCQBUN Last Yr Curr Qtr Bud Units 14 This variable will accept both budget and accounting unit parameters. LCQBUN(23) - calculate using budget number 23 LCQBUN(,111) - calculate for a/u (111), budget number will be specified later
LCQCUR Last Year Curr Qtr Currency 14 This variable cur is used to access the account currency where the account has been set up as non-base. Does not accept accounting unit parameter.
LCQRAM Last Yr Curr Qtr Rpt Amount 14 This variable accepts optional report currency and accounting unit parameters. LCQRAM(CAD,111) - last year current quarter amount in Canadian dollars for a/u (111)
LCQTOT Last Year Curr Quarter Total 14 This variable requires a total name parameter and allows an optional accounting unit parameter. This item can not be assigned to a report column in report writer. LCQTOT(REVENUE,111) - last year current quarter amount from total (revenue), a/u (111)
LCQUNT Last Year Curr Quarter Units 14 This variable accepts an optional accounting unit parameter. LCQUNT(111) - last year curr qtr units for a/u (111) LCQUNT(@CUAU) - last year curr qtr units for curr a/u
LPPAMT Last Year Prior Period(s) Amt 14 This variable requires period parameters and accepts an optional accounting unit parameter. LPPAMT(0-6) - sum current and 6 previous periods LPPAMT(2) - amount from second previous period LPPAMT(1-3,111) - sum periods 1-3 for a/u (111)
LPPBUD Last Year Prev Period Budget 14 This variable will print prior period values for last fiscal year (report year minus 1) for a budget. A period or range of periods and a budget number are required as parameters. An acct unit can be entered. LPPBUD(1-4,150) - last year 4 prior periods for bud # 150
LPPBUN Last Yr Prev Prd Bud Units 14 This variable will print prior period values for last fiscal year (report year minus 1) for a budget. A period or range of periods and a budget number are required as parameters. An acct unit can be entered. LPPBUN(1-4,150) - last year 4 prior periods for bud # 150
LPPCUR Last Year Prev Period Currency 14 This variable cur is used to access the account currency where the account was set up as non-base. Does not accept accounting unit parameter.
LPPRAM Last Yr Prior Prd(s) Rpt Amt 14 This variable requires period parameters(s) and accepts optional report currency and accounting unit parameters. LPPRAM(CAD,1-3,111) - sum of three previous periods from last year in Canadian dollars for a/u (111)
LPPTOT Last Year Prev Period Total 14 This variable will print a number of prior period values for last fiscal year (report year minus 1) for a ratio total name. A period or range of periods and a total name are required as parameters. An acct unit can be entered. LPPTOT(1-4,SALES) - last year 4 prior periods for sales
LPPUNT Last Year Prev Period Units 14 This variable will print prior period values for last fiscal year (report year minus 1) for units. A period or range of periods are required as parameters. An accounting unit can be entered. LPPUNT(1-4) - last year 4 prior periods
LQDAMT Last Year Qtd Amount 14 This variable will print the quarter to date value for last fiscal year (report year minus 1) for the current quarter through the report period. An optional accounting unit parameter can be entered. LQDAMT(CORP) - last year quarter to date for corp
LQDBUD Last Year Qtd Budget 14 This variable will print the quarter to date value for last fiscal year (report year minus 1) for the current quarter through the report period. A budget number can be entered as a parameter. LQBUD(150) - last year quarter to date for budget 150
LQDBUN Last Yr Qtd Bud Units 14 This variable will print the quarter to date value for last fiscal year (report year minus 1) for the current quarter through the report period. A budget number can be entered as a parameter. LQDBUN(150) - last year quarter to date for budget # 150
LQDCUR Last Year Qtd Currency 14 This variable cur is used to access the account currency where the account was set up as non-base. Does not accept accounting unit parameter.
LQDRAM Last Year Qtr-To-Date Rpt Amt 14 This variable accepts optional report currency and accounting unit parameters. LQDRAM(CAD,111) - last year quarter-to-date amount in Canadian dollars for a/u (111)
LQDTOT Last Year Qtd Total 14 This variable will print the quarter to date value for last fiscal year (report year minus 1) for the current quarter through the report period. A total name is required. LQDTOT(SALES) - last year quarter to date amt for ratio total sales
LQDUNT Last Year Qtd Units 14 This variable will print the quarter to date value for last fiscal year (report year minus 1) for the current quarter through the report period. An optional accounting unit parameter can be entered. LQDUNT(CORP) - last year quarter to date units for corp
LTDACA Life To Date Activity Amount 14 This item accepts optional year and period parameters. LTDACA - life-to-date activity amountLTDACA(,4) - life-to-date activity through period 4
LTDACB Life To Date Activity Budget 14 This item accepts optional year, period, and budget parameters. LTDACB(,4,1) - current life-to-date amount through period 4 for budget 1
LTDACC Life To Date Activity Currency 14 This item accepts optional year, period, and budget parameters. LTDACC(1,4) - life-to-date amount through period 4 of last year, in activity currency
LTDACT Life To Date Activity Total 14 This item requires an activity total name and accepts optional parameters for year and period(s). LTDACT(REVENUE,,4) - life-to-date revenue total through period 4 of current year
LTDACU Life To Date Activity Units 14 This item accepts optional year and period parameters. LTDACU - life-to-date activity units LTDACU(,4) - life-to-date units through period 4
LYBAMT Last Year Beginning Balance 14 This variable allows an optional accounting unit parameter. LYBAMT(111) - last year beginning balance from accounting unit (111)
LYBBUD Last Year Budget Begin Balance 14 This item will print last year's (report year minus 1) beginning balance amount from a budget. Only balance sheet accounts will have beginning balances. The budget number parameter is optional. LYBBUD(150) - last year beg bal amt for budget 150
LYBBUN Last Yr Bud Units Beg Bal 14 This item will print last year's (report year minus 1) beginning balance amount from a budget. Only balance sheet accounts will have beginning balance. The budget number parameter is optional. LYBBUN(150) - last year beg bal units for budget 150
LYBCUR Last Yr Currency Begin Balance 14 This variable cur is used to access the account currency where the account has been set up as non-base. Does not accept accounting unit parameter.
LYBRAM Last Year Rpt Beginning Bal 14 This variable accepts optional report currency and accounting unit parameters. LYBRAM(CAD,111) - last year beginning balance in Canadian dollars for a/u (111)
LYBTOT Last Year Beg Balance Total 14 This variable requires a total name parameter and allows an optional a/u parameter. Can not be used for r/w column. LYBTOT(REVENUE,111) - last year beginning balance from total name (revenue) for accounting unit (111)
LYBUNT Last Year Beg Units Balance 14 This variable allows an optional accounting unit parameter. LYBUNT(111) - last year beginning units balance for accounting unit (111)
LYDAMT Last Year-To-Date Amount 14 This variable allows an optional accounting unit parameter. LYDAMT(@CUAU) - last ytd amount from current accounting unit
LYDBUD Last Year-To-Date Budget 14 This variable accepts budget parameters and an optional accounting unit parameter. LYDBUD(23,111) - uses budget number 23 for a/u (111) LYDBUD - budget number will be specified later
LYDBUN Last Yr-To-Date Bud Units 14 This variable accepts budget parameters and an optional accounting unit parameter. LYDBUN(23,111) - uses budget number 23 for a/u (111) LYDBUN - budget number will be specified later
LYDCUR Last Year-To-Date Currency 14 This variable cur is used to access the account currency where the account was set up as non-base. It does not accept accounting unit overrides.
LYDRAM Last Year Ytd Rpt Amount 14 This variable accepts optional report currency and accounting unit parameters. LYDAMT(CAD,111) - last year-to-date amount in Canadian dollars for a/u (111)
LYDTOT Last Year-To-Date Total 14 This variable requires a total name parameter and allows an optional a/u parameter. It cannot be used for r/w column. LYDTOT(REVENUE,111) - last ytd total amount from total name (revenue) for accounting unit (111)
LYDUNT Last Year-To-Date Units 14 This variable allows an optional accounting unit parameter. LYDUNT(111) - last ytd units amount from a/u (111)
LYPAMT Last Year Period(s) Amount 14 This variable requires period parameter(s) and allows an optional accounting unit parameter. LYPAMT(2,111) - last year amount from period 2 for accounting unit (111)
LYPBUD Last Year Period(s) Budget 14 This variable requires period parameter(s) and accepts budget and accounting unit parameters. LYPBUD(1-3,23) - last year period 1-3 for budget 23 LYPBUD(4,,111) - per 4, budget given later, a/u (111)
LYPBUN Last Yr Prd(s) Bud Units 14 This variable requires period parameter(s) and accepts budget and accounting unit parameters. LYPBUN(1-3,23) - last year period 1-3 for budget 23 LYPBUN(4,,111) - per 4, budget given later, a/u (111)
LYPCUR Last Year Period Currency 14 This variable cur is used to access the account currency where the account was set up as non-base. It does not accept accounting unit parameters.
LYPRAM Last Year Period(s) Rpt Amt 14 This variable requires period parameter(s) and accepts optional report currency and accounting unit parameters. LYORAM(CAD,2,111) - last year period2 amount in Canadian dollars for a/u (111)
LYPTOT Last Year Spcfd Period(s) Tot 14 This variable requires period and total name parameters and accepts an optional accounting unit parameter. This item can not be assigned to a column in report writer. LYPTOT(2-3,SALES,111) - sum last year periods 2-3 for total name (sales), a/u (111)
LYPUNT Last Year Period(s) Units 14 This variable requires period parameter(s) and allows an optional accounting unit parameter. LYPUNT(2,111) - last year period 2, from a/u (111) LYPUNT(1-4) - sum last year periods 1 through 4
LYQAMT Last Year Quarter Amount 14 This variable requires a quarter parameter and allows an optional accounting unit parameter. LYQAMT(2,111) - last year amount from quarter 2 for accounting unit (111) LYQAMT(1) - last year quarter 1 amount
LYQBUD Last Year Quarter Budget 14 This variable requires a quarter parameter and accepts budget and accounting unit parameters. LYQBUD(1,23) - last year quarter 1 for budget 23 LYQBUD(4,,111) - qtr 4, budget given later, a/u (111)
LYQBUN Last Yr Qtr Bud Units 14 This variable requires a quarter parameter and accepts budget and accounting unit parameters. LYQBUN(1,23) - last year quarter 1 for budget 23 LYQBUN(4,,111) - qtr 4, budget given later, a/u (111)
LYQCUR Last Year Quarter Currency 14 This variable cur is used to access the account currency where the account was set up as non-base. It does not accept accounting unit parameter.
LYQRAM Last Year Quarter Rpt Amount 14 This variable requires a quarter parameter and accepts optional report currency and accounting unit parameters. LYQRAM(CAD,3,111) - last year quarter 3 amount in Canadian dollars for a/u (111)
LYQTOT Last Year Spcfd Quarter Tot 14 This variable requires quarter and total name parameters and accepts an optional accounting unit parameter. This item can not be assigned to a column in report writer. LYQTOT(3,SALES,111) - last year quarter 3 amount for total name (sales), a/u (111)
LYQUNT Last Year Quarter(s) Units 14 This variable requires a quarter parameter and allows an optional accounting unit parameter. LYQUNT(2,111) - last year quarter 2, from a/u (111) LYQUNT(4) - last year quarter 4
LYTAMT Last Year Total Amount 14 This variable produces a total of the beginning balance plus all period activity and accepts an a/u parameter.
LYTBUD Last Year Total Annual Budget 14 This variable will accept a budget number parameter and an optional accounting unit parameter. LYTBUD(23) - calculate using budget number 23 LYTBUD(,111) - a/u is (111), budget specified later
LYTBUN Last Yr Tot Annual Bud Units 14 This variable will accept a budget number parameter and an optional accounting unit parameter. LYTBUN(23) - calculate using budget number 23 LYTBUN(,111) - a/u is (111), budget specified later
LYTCUR Last Year Total Currency 14 This variable cur is used to access the account currency where the account was set up as non-base. It does not accept accounting unit parameter.
LYTRAM Last Year Total Rpt Amount 14 This variable accepts option report currency and accounting unit parameters. LYTRAM(CAD,111) - last year total in Canadian dollars for a/u (111)
LYTTOT Total Last Year Total 14 This variable requires a total name parameter and allows an optional a/u parameter. It can not be used for r/w column. LYTTOT(REVBUD,111) - total of last year total amounts for total name (revbud) for accounting unit (111)
LYTUNT Last Year Total Units 14 This variable produces a total of the beginning balance plus all period activity and accepts an a/u parameter.
NCPBUD Next Year Curr Period Budget 14 This variable will accept a budget parameter and an optional accounting unit parameter. NCPBUD(23) - calculate using budget number 23 NCPBUD(,111) - calculate using a/u (111), budget number will be specified later
NCPBUN Next Yr Curr Prd Bud Units 14 This variable will accept a budget parameter and an optional accounting unit parameter. NCPBUN(23) - calculate using budget number 23 NCPBUN(,111) - calculate using a/u (111), budget number will be specified later
NCPTOT Next Year Curr Period Total 14 This variable requires a total name parameter and allows an optional accounting unit parameter. This item can not be assigned to a report column in report writer. NCPTOT(REVENUE,111) - next yr curr period total amt for total name (revenue) in a/u (111)
NCQBUD Next Year Curr Quarter Budget 14 This variable will accept a budget parameter and an optional accounting unit parameter. NCQBUD(23) - calculate using budget number 23 NCQBUD(,111) - calculate using a/u (111), budget number will be specified later
NCQBUN Next Yr Curr Qtr Bud Units 14 This variable will accept a budget parameter and an optional accounting unit parameter. NCQBUN(23) - calculate using budget number 23 NCQBUN(,111) - calculate using a/u (111), budget number will be specified later
NCQTOT Next Year Curr Quarter Total 14 This variable requires a total name parameter and allows an optional accounting unit parameter. This item can not be assigned to a report column in report writer. NCQTOT(REVENUE,111) - next yr curr qtr total amt for total name (revenue) in a/u (111)
NPPBUD Next Year Prev Period Budget 14 This variable will print the previous period value for next fiscal year (report year plus 1) for x previous periods for a budget. A budget number and a previous periods number are required as parameters. NPPBUD(4,150) - 4 periods back for budget 150
NPPBUN Next Yr Prev Prd Bud Units 14 This variable will print the previous period units for next fiscal year (report year plus 1) for x previous periods for a budget. A budget number is required as a parameter and an accounting unit can be entered. NPPBUN(4,150) - 4 periods back for budget 150
NPPTOT Next Year Prev Period Total 14 This variable will print the previous period value for next fiscal year (report year plus 1) for x previous periods for a ratio total. A ratio total name and a previous periods number are required as parameters. NPPTOT(4,SALES) - 4 periods back for ratio total sales
NQDBUD Next Year Qtd Budget 14 This variable will print the quarter to date value for next fiscal year (report year plus 1) for the current quarter through the report period. A budget number can be entered as a parameter. NQDBUD(150) - next year quarter to date for budget 150
NQDBUN Next Yr Qtd Bud Units 14 This variable will print the quarter to date units for next fiscal year (report year plus 1) for the current quarter through the report period. A budget number can be entered as a parameter. NQDBUB(150) - next year quarter to date for budget 150
NQDTOT Next Year Qtd Total 14 This variable will print the quarter to date value for next fiscal year (report year plus 1) for the current quarter through the report period. A ratio total name is required as a parameter. NQDTOT(SALES) - next year quarter to date for total sales
NYBBUD Next Year Budget Begin Balance 14 This variable will print the beginning balance value for next fiscal year (report year plus 1) for a budget. A budget parameter can be entered. NYBBUD(150) - next year beg balance for budget 150 NYBBUD - budget number will be specified later
NYBBUN Next Yr Bud Units Beg Bal 14 This variable will print the beginning balance units for next fiscal year (report year plus 1) for a budget. A budget parameter can be entered. NYBBUN(150) - next year beg balance for budget 150 NYBBUN - budget number will be specified later
NYBTOT Next Year Total Begin Balance 14 This variable will print the beginning balance value for next fiscal year (report year plus 1) for a ratio total. A total name parameter is required. This item can not be used as a report writer column definition. NYBTOT(SALES) - next year beg balance of ratio total sales
NYDBUD Next Year-To-Date Budget 14 This variable will accept a budget parameter and an optional accounting unit parameter. NYDBUD(23,111) - uses budget number 23, for a/u (111) NYDBUD - budget number will be specified later
NYDBUN Next Yr-To-Date Bud Units 14 This variable will accept a budget parameter and an optional accounting unit parameter. NYDBUN(23,111) - uses budget number 23, for a/u (111) NYDBUN - budget number will be specified later
NYDTOT Next Year-To-Date Total 14 This variable requires a total name parameter and allows an optional a/u parameter. Can not be use for r/w column. NYDTOT(REVENUE,111) - next year to date amount from total name (revenue) for accounting unit (111)
NYPBUD Next Year Period(s) Budget 14 This variable requires period parameter(s) and accepts both budget and optional accounting unit parameters. NYPBUD(1-3,23) - sum periods 1 through 3 for budget 23 NYPBUD(4,,111) - per 4, bud# specified later, a/u (111)
NYPBUN Next Yr Prd(s) Bud Units 14 This variable requires period parameter(s) and accepts both budget and optional accounting unit parameters. NYPBUN(1-3,23) - sum periods 1 through 3 for budget 23 NYPBUN(4,,111) - per 4, bud# specified later, a/u (111)
NYPTOT Next Year Spcfd Per(s) Total 14 This item requires period and total name parameters and allows an a/u parameter. Can not be used for r/w column. NYPTOT(2-3,REVENUE,111) - sum next year periods 2-3 from total name (revenue) for accounting unit (111)
NYQBUD Next Year Quarter Budget 14 This variable requires a quarter parameter and accepts both budget and optional accounting unit parameters. NYQBUD(1,23) - quarter 1 for budget number 23 NYQBUD(4,,111) - qtr 4, bud# specified later, a/u (111)
NYQBUN Next Yr Qtr Bud Units 14 This variable requires a quarter parameter and accepts both budget and optional accounting unit parameters. NYQBUN(1,23) - quarter 1 for budget number 23 NYQBUN(4,,111) - qtr 4, bud # specified later, a/u (111)
NYQTOT Next Year Spcfd Qtr Total 14 This item requires quarter and total name parameters and allows an a/u parameter. Can not be used for r/w column. NYQTOT(3,REVENUE,111) - next year quarter 3 from total name (revenue) for accounting unit (111)
NYTBUD Next Year Total Annual Budget 14 This variable will accept a budget parameter and an optional accounting unit parameter. NYTBUD(23) - calculate using budget number 23 NYTBUD(,111) - a/u is (111), budget specified later
NYTBUN Next Yr Tot Annual Bud Units 14 This variable will accept a budget parameter and an optional accounting unit parameter. NYTBUN(23) - calculate using budget number 23 NYTBUN(,111) - a/u is (111), budget specified later
NYTTOT Total Next Year Total 14 This item requires a total name parameter and allows an optional a/u parameter. Can not be used for r/w column. NYTTOT(REVBUD,111) - total next year total amount from total name (revbud) for accounting unit (111)
PCPAMT Prev Year Curr Period Amount 14 This variable accepts optional previous year and accounting unit parameters. PCPAMT(3,111) - curr period amount three years ago for a/u (111)
PCPBUD Prev Year Curr Period Budget 14 This variable will accept previous year, budget, and accounting unit parameters. PCPBUD(3,9,111) - curr period amount for budget 9 of three years ago for a/u (111)
PCPBUN Prev Yr Curr Prd Bud Units 14 This variable will accept previous year, budget, and accounting unit parameters. PCPBUN(3,9,111) - curr period units for budget 9 of three years ago for a/u (111)
PCPCUR Prev Year Curr Period Currency 14 This variable retrieves amts in account currency and accepts an optional previous year parameter. PCPCUR(3) - current period amount for three years ago
PCPRAM Prev Yr Curr Prd Rpt Amount 14 This variable accepts optional report currency, previous year, and accounting unit parameters. PCPRAM(CAD,3,111) - current period amount three years ago in Canadian dollars for a/u (111)
PCPTOT Prev Year Curr Period Total 14 This variable requires a total name parameter and accepts optional previous year and accounting unit parameters. PCPTOT(3,REVENUE,111) - curr period amt three years ago for total (revenue) and a/u (111)
PCPUNT Prev Year Curr Period Units 14 This variable accepts optional previous year and accounting unit parameters. PCPUNT(3,111) - curr period units three years ago for a/u (111)
PCQAMT Prev Year Curr Quarter Amount 14 This variable accepts optional previous year and accounting unit parameters. PCQAMT(3,111) - curr quarter amount three years ago for a/u (111)
PCQBUD Prev Year Curr Quarter Budget 14 This variable will accept previous year, budget, and accounting unit parameters. PCQBUD(3,9,111) - curr qtr amount for budget 9 of three years ago for a/u (111)
PCQBUN Prev Yr Curr Qtr Bud Units 14 This variable will accept previous year, budget, and accounting unit parameters. PCQBUN(3,9,111) - curr qtr units for budget 9 of three years ago for a/u (111)
PCQCUR Prev Year Curr Qtr Currency 14 This variable retrieves amts in account currency and accepts an optional previous year parameter. PCQCUR(3) - current quarter amount three years ago
PCQRAM Prev Yr Curr Qtr Rpt Amount 14 This variable accepts optional report currency, previous year, and accounting unit parameters. PCQRAM(CAD,3,111) - current quarter amount three years ago in Canadian dollars for a/u (111).
PCQTOT Prev Year Curr Quarter Total 14 This variable requires a total name parameter and accepts optional previous year and accounting unit parameters. PCQTOT(3,REVENUE,111) - curr qtr amt three years ago for total (revenue) and a/u (111)
PCQUNT Prev Year Curr Quarter Units 14 This variable accepts optional previous year and accounting unit parameters. PCQUNT(3,111) - curr quarter units three years ago for a/u (111)
PCTACA Activity Percent Complete 10 This item accepts no parameters.
PCTBAS Percent Of Spcfd Colm Base Amt 14 This variable requires only 1 column parameter to specify the column number for which to calculate the percent of base. This variable can not (recalculate) correctly: PCTBAS(2) - amount in column 2 divided by the base amount for column 2
PPAMT Previous Period Amount 14 This variable requires period parameter(s) and allows an optional accounting unit parameter. PPAMT(1-3) - sum of 1st through 3rd previous periods PPAMT(5,111) - amt from 5th previous period, a/u (111) PPAMT(0-6) - current period + previous 6 periods
PPBUD Previous Period Budget 14 This variable requires period parameters and allows budget and optional accounting parameter. PPBUD(4-6,23) - sum of 4th through 6th prev pds, bud# 23 PPBUD(5,,@FRAU) - 5th prev period, using (from) a/u, budget specified
PPBUN Prev Period Bud Units 14 This variable requires period parameters and allows optional budget and accounting unit parameters. PPBUN(4-6,23) -sum of 4th through 6th prev pds, bud # 23 PPBUN(5,,@FRAU) - 5th prev period, using (from) a/u, budget specified later
PPCUR Previous Period Currency 14 This variable cur is used to access the account currency where the account was set up as non-base. It does not accept accounting unit parameter.
PPPAMT Prev Year Prior Period(s) Amt 14 This variable requires period parameter(s) and allows optional previous year and accounting unit parameters. PPPAMT(3,5,111) - amt from 5th previous period three years ago for a/u (111)
PPPBUD Prev Year Prior Period(s) Budg 14 This variable requires period parameter(s) and accepts optional previous year, budget and acct unit parameters. PPPBUD(3,4-6,9,111) - sum of prior prds 4-6 for budget 9 for three years ago for a/u (111)
PPPBUN Prev Yr Prior Prd(s) Bud Units 14 This variable requires period parameters(s) and accepts optional previous year, budget, and acct unit parameters. PPPBUN(3,4-6,9,111) - sum of prior prds 4-6 for budget 9 for three years ago for a/u (111)
PPPCUR Prev Year Prior Period(s) Curr 14 This variable requires period parameter(s) and accepts an optional previous year parameter. It retrieves amounts in account currency. PPPCUR(3,1-4) - sum of amounts for periods 1-4 three years ago
PPPRAM Prev Yr Prior Prd(s) Rpt Amt 14 This variable requires period parameter(s) and accepts optional report currency, previous year, and accounting unit parameters. PPPRAM(CAD,2,1-3,111) - sum of three previous periods two years ago in Canadian dollars for a/u (111)
PPPTOT Prev Year Prior Period(s) Total 14 This variable requires period and total name parameters and accepts optional previous year and acct unit parameters. PPPTOT(3,1-4,REVENUE,111) - sum of prds 1-4 three years ago for total (revenue) and a/u (111)
PPPUNT Prev Year Prior Period(s) Unit 14 This variable requires period parameter(s) and accepts optional previous year and accounting unit parameters. PPPUNT(3,1-4,111) - sum of prd 1-4 units three years ago for a/u (111)
PPRAM Previous Period(s) Rpt Amount 14 This variable requires period parameter(s) and accepts optional report currency and accounting unit parameters. PPRAM(CAD,1-3,111) - sum of three previous periods in Canadian dollars for a/u (111)
PPTOT Previous Period Total 14 This variable requires period and total name parameters and accepts an optional accounting unit parameter. This item can not be assigned to a column in report writer. PPTOT(1-3,REVENUE,111) - sum of prev pds 1-3 from total name (revenue) for a/u (111)
PPUNT Previous Period Unit 14 This variable requires period parameter(s) and accepts an optional accounting unit. PARAMETER.PPUNT(1-3) - sum of 1st through 3rd previous periods PPUNT(8,111) - amt from 8th prev period for a/u (111)
PQDAMT Prev Year Qtd Amount 14 This variable accepts optional previous year and accounting unit parameters. PQDAMT(3,111) - qtr to date amount three years ago for a/u (111)
PQDBUD Prev Year Qtd Budget 14 This variable accepts optional previous year, budget, and accounting unit parameters. PQDBUD(3,9,111) - curr qtr to date amt for budget 9 of three years ago for a/u (111)
PQDBUN Prevf Yr Qtd Bud Units 14 This variable accepts optional previous year, budget, and accounting unit parameters. PQDBUN(3,9,111) - curr qtr to date units for bud #9 of three years ago for a/u (111)
PQDCUR Prev Year Qtd Currency 14 This variable retrieves amounts in account currency and accepts an optional previous year parameter. PQDCUR(3) - curr quarter-to-date amount three years ago
PQDRAM Prev Year Qtd Rpt Amount 14 This variable accepts optional report currency, previous year, and accounting unit parameters. PQDRAM(CAD,3,111) - quarter-to-date amount three years ago in Canadian dollars for a/u (111)
PQDTOT Prev Year Qtd Total 14 This variable requires a total name parameter and accepts optional previous year and accounting unit parameters. PQDTOT(3,REVENUE,111) - curr qtr to date amt three years ago for total (revenue) and a/u (111)
PQDUNT Prev Year Qtd Units 14 This variable accepts optional previous year and accounting unit parameters. PQDUNT(3,111) - curr qtr units three years ago for a/u (111)
PRDACA Period Activity Amount 14 This item accepts optional year and period(s) parameters. PRDACA(,1-3) - current year amount for periods 1-3 PRDACA(1) - last year current period activity amount
PRDACB Period activity budget 14 This item accepts optional year, period(s), and budget parameters. PRDACB(,,1) - current period budget amount in budget 1 PRDACB(,4) - current period 4 budget amount
PRDACC Period Activity Currency 14 This item accepts optional year and period(s) parameters. PRDACC(,4) - period 4 activity in activity currency
PRDACT Period Activity Total 14 This item requires an activity total name and accepts optional parameters for year and period(s). PRDACT(REVENUE,,1-3) - current year revenue total for periods 1-3
PRDACU Period Activity Units 14 This item accepts optional year and period(s) parameters. PRDACU(,1-3) - current year units for periods 1-3. PRDACU(1) - last year current period activity units
PYBAMT Prev Year Beginning Balance 14 This variable accepts optional previous year and accounting unit parameters. PYBAMT(3,111) - beginning balance three years ago for a/u (111)
PYBBUD Prev Year Bud Beginning Balance 14 This variable accepts optional previous year, budget, and accounting unit parameters. PYBBUD(3,9,111) - beg bal for budget 9 of three years ago for a/u (111)
PYBBUN Prev Yr Bud Units Beg Bal 14 This variable accepts optional previous year, budget, and accounting unit parameters. PYBBUN(3,9,111) - beg bal for budget 9 of three years ago for a/u (111)
PYBCUR Prev Year Beg Currency Balance 14 This variable retrieves amounts in account currency and accepts an optional previous year parameter. PYBCUR(3) - beginning balance three years ago
PYBRAM Prev Year Rpt Beginning Bal 14 This variable accepts optional report currency, previous year, and accounting unit parameters. PYBRAM(CAD,3,111) - beginning balance three years ago in Canadian dollars for a/u (111)
PYBTOT Prev Year Beg Balance Total 14 This variable requires a total name parameter and accepts optional previous year and accounting unit parameters. PYBTOT(3,REVENUE,111) - beg bal three years ago for total (revenue) and a/u (111)
PYBUNT Prev Year Beg Units Balance 14 This variable accepts optional previous year and accounting unit parameters. PYBUNT(3,111) - beg units amount three years ago for a/u (111)
PYDAMT Prev Year Ytd Amount 14 This variable accepts optional previous year and accounting unit parameters. PYDAMT(3,111) - ytd amount for three years ago for a/u (111)
PYDBUD Prev Year Ytd Budget 14 This variable accepts optional previous year, budget, and accounting unit parameters. PYDBUD(3,9,111) - ytd amount for budget 9 of three years ago for a/u (111)
PYDBUN Prev Yr Ytd Bud Units 14 This variable accepts optional previous year, budget, and accounting unit parameters. PYDBUN(3,9,111) - ytd units for budget 9 of three years ago for a/u (111)
PYDCUR Prev Year Ytd Currency 14 This variable retrieves amounts in account currency and accepts an optional previous year parameter. PYDCUR(3) - year-to-date amount for three years ago
PYDRAM Prev Year Ytd Rpt Amount 14 This variable accepts optional report currency, previous year, and accounting unit parameters. PYDRAM(CAD,3,111) - year-to-date amount three years ago in Canadian dollars for a/u (111)
PYDTOT Prev Year Ytd Total 14 This variable requires a total name parameter and accepts optional previous year and accounting unit parameters. PYDTOT(3,REVENUE,111) - curr ytd amt three years ago for total (revenue) and a/u (111)
PYDUNT Prev Year Ytd Units 14 This variable accepts optional previous year and accounting unit parameters. PYDUNT(3,111) - ytd units for three years ago for a/u (111)
PYPAMT Prev Year Period(s) Amount 14 This variable requires period parameter(s) and accepts previous year and accounting unit parameters. PYPAMT(3,1-4,111) - sum of periods 1-4 three years ago for a/u (111)
PYPBUD Prev Year Period(s) Budget 14 This variable requires period parameter(s) and accepts optional previous year, budget, and acct unit parameters. PYPBUD (3,1-4,9,111) - sum of prds 1-4 for budget 9 of three years ago for a/u (111)
PYPBUN Prev Yr Prd(s) Bud Units 14 This variable requires period parameter(s) and accepts optional previous year, budget, and acct unit parameters. PYPBUN(3,1-4,9,111) - sum of prds 1-4 for budget 9 of three years ago for a/u (111)
PYPCUR Prev Year Period(s) Currency 14 This variable retrieves amounts in account currency. It requires specified period parameter(s) and accepts an optional previous year parameter. PYPCUR(3,1-4) - sum of periods 1-4 for three years ago
PYPRAM Prev Year Prd(s) Rpt Amount 14 This variable requires period parameter(s) and accepts optional report currency, previous year, and accounting unit parameters. PYPRAM(CAD,3,1-4,111) - sum of periods 1-4 three years ago in Canadian dollars for a/u (111).
PYPTOT Prev Year Period(s) Total 14 This variable requires period and total name parameters and accepts optional previous year and acct unit parameters. PYPTOT(3,1-4,REVENUE,111) - sum of prds 1-4 three years ago for total (revenue) and a/u (111)
PYPUNT Prev Year Period(s) Units 14 This variable requires period parameter(s) and accepts optional previous year and accounting unit parameters. PYPUNT(3,1-4,111) - sum of units for prds 1-4 three years ago for a/u (111)
PYQAMT Prev Year Quarter Amount 14 This variable requires a quarter parameter and accepts previous year and accounting unit parameters. PYQAMT(3,2,111) - amt for quarter 2 three years ago for a/u (111)
PYQBUD Prev Year Quarter Budget 14 This variable accepts optional previous year, budget, and accounting unit parameters. PYQBUD(3,9,111) - current quarter amt for budget 9 of three years ago for a/u (111)
PYQBUN Prev Yr Qtr Bud Units 14 This variable accepts optional previous year, budget, and accounting unit parameters. PYQBUN(3,9,111) - current quarter units for budget 9 of three years ago for a/u (111)
PYQCUR Prev Year Quarter Currency 14 This variable retrieves amounts in account currency. It requires a quarter parameter and accepts an optional previous year parameter. PYQCUR(3,2) - amount for 2nd quarter, three years ago
PYQRAM Prev Year Quarter Rpt Amount 14 This variable requires a quarter parameter and accepts optional report currency, previous year, and accounting unit parameters. PYQRAM(CAD,3,2,111) - quarter 2 amount three years ago in Canadian dollars for a/u (111)
PYQTOT Prev Year Quarter Total 14 This variable requires quarter and total name parameters and accepts optional previous year and acct unit parameters. PYQTOT(3,1,REVENUE,111) - qtr 1 amt three years ago for total (revenue) and a/u (111)
PYQUNT Prev Year Quarter Units 14 This variable requires a quarter number parameter and accepts optional previous year and acct unit parameters. PYQUNT(3,2,111) - units for qtr 2 of three years ago for a/u (111)
PYTAMT Prev Year Total Amount 14 This variable will accept optional previous year and accounting unit parameters. PYTAMT(3,111) - year total for three years ago for a/u (111)
PYTBUD Prev Year Total Year Budget 14 This variable accepts optional previous year, budget, and accounting unit parameters. PYTBUD(3,9,111) - year total for budget 9 of three years ago for a/u (111)
PYTBUN Prev Yr Tot Yr Bud Units 14 This variable accepts optional previous year, budget, and accounting unit parameters. PYTBUN(3,9,111) - year total for budget 9 of three years ago for a/u (111)
PYTCUR Prev Year Total Currency 14 This variable retrieves amounts in account currency. It accepts an optional previous year parameter. PYTCUR(3) - year total for three years ago.
PYTRAM Prev Year Total Rpt Amount 14 This variable accepts optional report currency, previous year, and accounting unit parameters. PYTRAM(CAD,3,111) - year total three years ago in Canadian dollars for a/u (111)
PYTTOT Prev Year Total Year Total 14 This variable requires a total name parameter and accepts optional previous year and accounting unit parameters. PYTTOT(3,REVENUE,111) - total year amt three years ago for total (revenue) and a/u (111)
PYTUNT Prev Year Total Units 14 This variable accepts optional previous year and accounting unit parameters. PYTUNT(3,111) - year total units for three years ago for a/u (111)
REVACA Activity Total Revenue 14 This item accepts no parameters.
YTDACA Year To Date Activity Amount 14 This item accepts optional year and period parameters. YTDACA - year-to-date activity amount YTDACA(,4) - year-to-date activity through period 4
YTDACB Year To Date Activity Budget 14 This item accepts optional year, period, and budget parameters. YTDACB(,4,1) - current year-to-date amount through period 4 for budget 1
YTDACC Year To Date Activity Currency 14 This item accepts optional year and period parameters. YTDACC(1,4) - last year year-to-date amount through period 4, in activity currency
YTDACT Year To Date Activity Total 14 This item requires an activity total name and accepts optional parameters for year and period. YTDACT(REVENUE,,4) - current year revenue total through period 4
YTDACU Year To Date Activity Units 14 This item accepts optional year and period parameters. YTDACU - year-to-date activity units YTDACU(,4) - year-to-date units through period 4