Infor Process Automation Requisition Line Approval for Grant Management process

The Requisition Line Approval for Grant Management service is a predefined service for the Requisitions application. The service processes approvals for requisition lines that contain a Grant Management activity.

The service is available if you have all of these services enabled:

  • Requisition Create Line Approval

  • Requisition Line Approval

  • Requisition Line Approval for Grant Management

In addition, you must have completed Grant Management application setup.

Note: To learn more about Infor Process Automation, see the IPA Services for Infor Reference Guide.

The service is triggered when the Requisition Create Line Approval service determines that a released requisition line contains a Grant Management application activity.

The application routes the work unit to a series of up to six predefined approvers. They decide whether to unrelease, reject, or approve the work unit. The service sends the work unit to the inbasket of the first approver. If the first approver unreleases or rejects the work unit, the requisition's line status is updated accordingly.

If the first approver approves the work unit, the requisition's line approval status is updated and the unit is sent to the inbasket of the next approver. If the second approver unreleases or rejects the work unit, the requisition's line status is updated.

The process continues until the final approver is reached. The final approver approves the work unit, and the requisition's line status is updated.