Requisition processing methods

The Requisitions application supports processing requisitions with demand on stock and with demand on vendors. The flowchart below presents an overview of requisition processing. When the Create PO flag is set to No, the requisition is processed in the Warehouse application. When the Create PO flag is set to Yes, the requisition is processed in the Purchase Order application. For more information, see the application interface points below.

Procedure flow: Processing requisitions

Processing a requisition with demand on stock

A requisition that requests inventory items creates demand on stock. The Create PO flag is automatically set to No for inventory items requested from stock. The Warehouse application assumes control over processing when a pick list for the requisition is printed. You have numerous options available for allocating, for picking, packing, shipping feedback, and merging shipments. Procedures in this chapter

Processing a requisition with demand on a vendor

A requisition that has the Create PO flag set to Yes creates demand on a vendor. The Create PO flag is automatically set to Yes for non-stock, special, or service items. To request inventory items directly from a vendor, you manually set the Create PO flag to Yes.

After a purchase order is created from a requisition, the Purchase Order application assumes control of the processing. Any necessary changes are made in the Purchase Order application. See the Purchase Order User Guide for additional information about creating, issuing, and receiving purchase orders.

Changes using the Requisitions application can only be made before the release of a requisition, but can be performed by downstream processors in the Purchase Order and Warehouse applications.