How Do I Recalculate Payments?

If you find an error in the calculation of an employee's pay, you can correct the employee's data and re-run the Earnings and Deductions Calculations as often as necessary.

When you reprocess the Earnings and Deductions Calculation, you can re-run the calculation for all time records meeting the population criteria specified or re-run for Error status time records only.

If you change a processed time record, the application changes the time record to Error status, and you must recalculate deductions and net pay. If you delete a time record, the application resets the flag on Earnings and Deductions Calculation to Error status. You must recalculate earnings and deductions.

If changes made to the employee data affect the Tip Credit or Overtime Calculation, reprocess Tip Credit and Overtime Calculation reports before reprocessing the Earnings and Deductions Calculations.


While reviewing the results of the Earnings and Deductions Calculation for Two Rivers Headquarters, Jane notices the total number of hours entered for Patricia Wells (a non-exempt employee) is incorrect. Rather than 40 hours, Patricia actually worked 48 hours in this work period.

Jane changes the time record from 40 regular hours to 48 regular hours. Because overtime must be recalculated on the additional hours, Jane reruns the Overtime Calculation and then reruns the Earnings and Deductions Calculation. Both programs are re-run for error time records only, so only Patricia's time records are reprocessed.

Calculating tip credit records (U.S. and CA)