Editing time records

To edit time records, use Time Record Edit (PR135) and verify the accuracy of hours, wages, general ledger accounts, and activities.

Process Time Record Edit (PR135) for Current, Error, and Processed status time records; only Batch, Future, or Error status time records; or all statuses before calculating the earnings and deductions.

Before you can edit time records, the time records must be entered or interfaced with Payroll. Time records: entering

Edit time records

  1. Access Time Record Edit (PR135).
    Note: The Time Record Comments button on Time Entry (PR35.1) and Detail Time Entry (PR35.2) lets you enter comments you can print on Time Record Edit (PR135).
  2. Run the report to list all time records entered in the application.
  3. Complete the form. Specify this information:
    Report Selection

    Select a report selection to determine the information that is included in the report.

    Select 1 (Time Record Edit) to include general time record information.

    Select 2 (Time Record Distribution) to include general ledger distribution information for each time record.

    Select 3 (Time Record Detail) to include detail information from the time records.

    Time Record Selection

    Select a value of 1-7 to indicate the status of time records to verify.


    Select a batch to verify time records for a specific batch.

    If you do not select a batch number, the report includes all batches.

    Processing Group

    Select a processing group to verify time records for a specific processing group.

    Process Level

    Select a process level to verify time records for a specific process level.

    Employee Sequence

    Select a value that determines if the report prints in alpha or numeric sequence by employee, or in time record sequence.

    Time record sequence is the order in which time records were entered, and is only valid for Batch status time records.

    Summary Option

    Select the value that determines if the time record edit prints in summary by employee.


    Select whether time record comments print on the report.

    Check Leave Balances

    Select whether the employee's current eligible balance for each absence plan is edited against any hours entered. All entered hours associated with the service class in Payroll Rule (LP03.5) are considered in the edit.

    The value in the Time Record Selection field determines time records considered for the balance check. A separate edit report prints with employees whose entered hours exceed their current eligible balance.

    Check Std Hours/Amount

    Use this field to compare Current/Future/Error status time record hours/wage amount to the employee's hours/amount defined on Employee (HR11) Pay Edits tab. Select the value whether a warning message should be returned if the sum of the employees time records (status current, future, error) exceeds the Employee's (HR11) defined Standard Hours and Amount. NOTE Use this option after moving all time records out of batch status.

    Total Common Currencies, Countries

    Select whether or not to total for all common work countries and common currencies. You cannot create a total for different work countries or currencies.

  4. Select the Submit form action.