Weighted Average Calculation

Run Weighted Average Calculation (PR124) to calculate the hourly weighted average pay rate based on a set number of days. The PR124 processes those time records with Pay Code (PR20.4) Calculation Type of W-weighted average and a Rate field defines the prior number of days to be used in the calculation.

You must use PR124 to calculate the time record weighted average pay rate and wage amount before the Earnings and Deductions Calc (PR140) can be run.

  1. Enter Time Records (PR36.1) using a Pay Code with the Calculation Type of W-weighted average.
  2. Access Weighted Average Calculation (PR124).
  3. Specify a Job Name and Description.
  4. Complete the fields and run the program.
  5. When the job has been run in Update mode, you can continue on with payroll processing:
    • FLSA Overtime Calculation (PR132)

    • Earnings and Deductions Calculations (PR140)

    • Tip Calculation (TP135)