Submitting United States third-party reports

You can use United States Workers Compensation Report (PR278) to create a report for manual journal entries to the general ledger in lieu of a company deduction, or run the report to recalculate the premium amounts periodically. You can use manual journal entries to adjust entries created by each payroll cycle.

Note: This report does not update the database. You can re-run it to accommodate last- minute changes to Workers' Compensation classification rates.

Submit United States third party reports

  1. Access United States Workers Compensation Report (PR278).
  2. Calculate the premiums based on the employee's current job.

    – or –

    Calculate the premiums based on the specific job stored in history for each payment.

    These options can result in different calculations, because an employee's job history might be different from the current HR11.1 record.

Related reports and inquiries

To Use
Review the payment inquiry to view a summary total of wages and deductions by employee for a specific quarter United States Payment Inquiry (PR50.2)
View taxable wages or tax withheld for specific deductions or deduction classes by deduction code, deduction class, or year end deduction group for an individual, range, or group of employees

Employee Deduction Report (PR276)

Note: Four Report Options: Report option 1, Summary = Y provides summary level totals by process level/department Report option 1, Summary = N provides employee detail with process level/department breaks Report option 2, Summary = Y provides one total for the company Report option 2, Summary = N provides employee detail (alpha or numeric) with no process level/department breaks
Balance gross wages to taxable wages by tax category United States Balancing Report (PR294)
Assist in balancing payroll data anytime during the year

W-2 Forms (PR297)

Note: Select from report options of Summary, Detail, or Negative Wages. An additional errors report will flag any problems with Social Security Numbers, or defined contributions that exceed the limit allowed by law.
Calculate and report tips in excess of those deemed "wages" for meeting the Federal minimum wage requirement and the SS/Medicare tax on the excess tips amount

Tax Credit Calculation (TP140)

Note: This information can be used to take a tax credit on the corporate tax form. This report is not an update report, so you can re-run it as often as needed.
Verify rates and premium set up for workers' compensation US Workers Compensation Classification Listing (PR218)