Calculate tip shortfall allocation for a period of time defined in the report parameters

  1. Access Shortfall Allocation Calculation (TP100).
  2. In the Beginning Date field, type the beginning date of the period for which you want to calculate the shortfall allocation. If you do not type a date in the Beginning Date field, mm/dd of the year defined in the End Date field defaults.
    Note: If the date you type in the End Date field is greater than the last year-to-date calculation date, and the Beginning Date field value is something other than mm/dd, the application performs the calculation, updates the tips summary records, and produces a report reflecting the year-to-date calculation in addition to the report that reflects the period defined.
  3. In the End Date field, type the date through which you want to calculate the shortfall allocation.
  4. The Report Option field defaults to a value of Y (Print Report). If you do not want to print a report, but you want to calculate new year-to-date records in viewing on the inquiry forms, select N (Don't Print Report).
  5. In the Update field, select N (Not YE Update).
  6. Select the Submit form action to submit the report.