Pre-cycle maintenance

Pre-cycle maintenance includes these procedures:

Before you begin a new payroll cycle, use Payroll Cycle Status (PR00.1) to verify that the previous payroll cycle is closed. Throughout the Payroll Cycle Process, the procedures in this guide prompt you to verify the payroll cycle status before proceeding.

If you use the Tips application, then you must process the Tip Calculation (TP135) to:

  • Verify minimum wage requirements according to the employee's work state or federal requirements

  • Calculate the tip credit if minimum wage has not been met

  • Create time records for any shortfall amount

  • Create tip history records used for tip allocation

  • Calculate the hours worked in tipped jobs for tip allocation using the hours worked method

  • Use Retroactive Pay Calculation (PR131) if you have retroactive pay to calculate. You can have a retroactive pay increase based on a percent of earnings or an amount per hour, and can create a time record for the amount of pay.

Based on the overtime pay plan assigned to the employee, run FLSA Overtime Calculation (PR132) to calculate the regular rate and the required overtime premium amount due. Run PR132 after Retroactive Pay Calculation (PR131) if you gave a retroactive pay increase to non-exempt employees.

Use Arrears Automation (PR139) to put eligible deductions into arrears for employees who do not have time records in current, process, or error status, or for employees who have current time records for non-cash pay only. Although this report is not required, it is recommended that you use it to put deductions in arrears.

Run Life Insurance Reportable Income (BN150) to calculate the cost of excess employee and dependent life insurance for each employee. Do this calculation annually, each month, or on a pay period basis.