Defining Canada Workers' Compensation Classes

Workers' compensation classes are used to represent a rate and limit used to calculate workers' compensation premiums.

To define workers' compensation classes

  1. Access Canada Workers' Compensation Classification (PR18.2).
  2. Select the Workers' Compensation province that the classes on this table apply to in the Workers Compensation Province field.
  3. Type the date the rates defined for workers' compensation classes are in effect in the Effective Date field.
    Note: The kind of workers' compensation plan determines the number you type in the Workers Compensation Account Number field. For example, you could type the provincial assigned account number, registration number, legal entity, and so on, depending on the kind of workers' compensation classes you want to define.
  4. Type the account number you want to use for the workers' compensation classifications you define on the table in the Workers Compensation Account Number field.
  5. Define the wages on which the premiums for these WC classes are based in the Premium per Wages field.
  6. Define the annual limit of wages used to calculate premiums in the Province Annual Limit field.
  7. Type the industry code for the province in the Industry Code fields.
  8. Define workers' compensation tables. Use the following guidelines to enter field values:

    The name of the workers' compensation class


    The description of the workers' compensation class.


    The provincial rate associated with this workers' comp class. The value in this field is a percent.


    If you want to assign a specific limit to each class, type the limit amount in the Limit field.

    Note: You cannot type an amount in this field if you entered an amount in the Province Annual Limit. You must use one limit or the other.