How do I select items for a bid?
You can select items for a bid automatically or manually. Automatic selection lets you select a large number of items. You use manual selection to quickly select a few items or to change items for an existing bid.
Automatic selection
You use automatic selection to:
Select items for a bid by manufacturer code, by purchasing class, or by both
Print a report of the selected items that you can mail or fax to the vendor
Download the selected items to a CSV file or a sequential file that can be electronically transmitted to the vendor
Manual selection
You use manual selection to:
Create a new bid that has only a few items or does not have a particular purchasing class or manufacturing code
Maintain new bids and bid responses
Maintain existing records if a vendor response has an invalid unit of measure, if you need to tie an item number to a vendor number or vice versa, or if you need to establish a new unit of measure relationship
Indicate that items for a bid were selected from different vendors
Add bid responses that were not returned in an electronic form
Delete vendor bid responses or entire sets of bid information