Associating a merchant with a vendor

By associating a merchant with an Accounts Payable vendor, you can report on purchases made to a merchant as part of the total amount spent with a vendor.

To associate a merchant with a vendor

  1. Access P-Card Merchant Cross Reference (PD06.1).
  2. Type the cross-reference information. Use the following guidelines to enter field values.

    Select the P-Card program to which the merchant belongs. You set up P-Card programs using P-Card Program Setup (PD01.1).


    Select the Accounts Payable vendor to which you want to associate the merchant. You set up vendors using Vendor (AP10.1).


    Select the merchant to associate with the vendor. You set up merchants using P-Card Merchant (PD04.1). You can associate up to 15 merchants with a vendor.

  3. Select the Add form action.

Related reports and inquiries

To Run
List merchants, tax ID, and contact information P-Card Merchant Listing (PD204)
View charges imported into Lawson for a merchant, merchant group, or vendor P-Card Merchant Report (PD235)