Defining preliminary position and job budgets

You use Infor Personnel Administration to budget for future budget cycles. Preliminary budgets have an effective date later than the budget approved through date you defined in position rules.

Review your position rules as part of the budget planning process. If you want to change your rules for the next budget cycle, you need to add a position rule with a new effective date.

To define a preliminary position budget

  1. Access Preliminary Position Budget (PA72.1) for position budgets or Preliminary Job Budget (PA73.1) for job budgets.
  2. Follow the procedures for defining approved position budgets or defining approved job budgets. Defining approved position budgets Defining approved job budgets

    When the budget planning process is complete and you are ready to use the new budget, change the budget approved through date on Position Rules (PA06.1) to make the budget current. The data on the preliminary budgets becomes data on the approved budgets.

Related reports and inquiries

To Use
List preliminary position or job budget Budget Listing (PA271)