Tracking interview information

Maintain interview information for employees and applicants as reference when making hiring decisions.

To track interviews

  1. Access Interviews (PA41.1).
  2. In the Type field, select the value that indicates whether the interview is for an existing employee (Internal) or an applicant (External).
  3. In the Applicant field, select an applicant. The value in the Type field determines whether an internal or external selection is a valid selection in the Applicant field.

    Applicants are available in a select list only if they are attached to at least one requisition on Requisition Applicants (PA43.1) or Applicant Requisitions (PA43.2).

  4. If you are adding an interview, leave the Interview field blank. The application assigns the interview a number. On an inquiry, select the interview that you want to display.
  5. Complete the Interview portion of the form using the following guidelines:

    Type the date of the interview.


    Select the employee who conducted the interview. If the interviewer is not an employee, type the interviewer's name in the second set of name fields.

    Follow Up

    Select whether a follow-up interview is planned.

  6. Complete the Requisition portion of the form using the following guidelines:

    Select the requisition for which the applicant interviewed. If you select a requisition, the application updates the number of interviews for the requisition.


    Select where the applicant is in the recruiting process on the interview date or as a result of the interview.

  7. On the Tests portion of the form, type the tests that are given in conjunction with the interview. Ratings for the test results are entered in the Rating fields. These tests are specific to the interview. Other tests are tracked on Applicant Tests (PA49.3). Tracking applicant tests
  8. Select the Add form function.