Performing position, job actions

If you are changing a field for which the position data item attribute is set to "Default, No Override", you cannot use personnel actions to update the field. You must make the change on the position and run the position update. Defining position data item attributes Maintaining position codes

Implement position or job actions for an employee. The Position, Job action updatesEmployee (HR11.1) with Level 1 position or job information and Multiple Positions, Jobs (PA13.1) with Level 1 through 98 position or job information. This is the only action program on which you change current information for position Levels 2 through 98.

Special process functionality lets you change the effective date of a pending action, enter a retroactive change, combine a new action with a previously updated action or reverse an entire previously updated action. Performing a corrective personnel action

To perform position, job personnel actions

  1. Access Position, Job Action (PA52.5).
  2. In the Employee field, select the employee.
  3. In the Action, Nbr field, select the action you want to perform.
  4. In the Position Level field, select a position level for the action.
  5. In the Effective field, type the date the personnel action is effective.
  6. Select the Inquire form function.
  7. In the Reasons field, select up to two reasons for the action.
  8. In the Parameters tab, use the following guidelines to enter field values:

    Select whether the action should update Employee (HR11.1) or Multiple Positions, Jobs (PA13.1) immediately. If you leave this field blank, No defaults; the action is pending and does not update Employee (HR11.1) or Multiple Positions, Jobs (PA13.1) immediately. If you select Yes, the action updates Employee (HR11.1) or Multiple Positions, Jobs (PA13.1) when you save the action.

    Anticipated End

    If the action is temporary, type the action's ending date. This date is for reference purposes only.

    Update Benefits

    Select whether or not to update benefits when you employ the applicant. If you do not make a selection, the value selected on the action code defaults. If a value is not defined on the action and the Benefits Administration application is implemented, Yes defaults. If you select Yes, the application creates a benefit change record for the new employee that is used by Employee Change Benefit Update (BN100) to update benefit plan enrollments.

    Update Required Deduction

    Select whether to automatically update required deductions. If you select Yes, the Personnel Administration application uses the date in the New Deduction Begin Date to start required deductions. You define which employees are eligible for a required deduction on Deduction Required Code (PR03.1). If you select No, the application does not automatically start required deductions. Assign specific required deductions to an employee on Employee Deduction (PR14.1). If you do not make a selection, the value selected on the action code defaults.

    Old Deduction End Date

    Type the last date you want old required deductions to be effective. The application will take old required deductions on the date you enter in this field. If you leave this field blank, the day before the New Deduction Begin date defaults.

    Note: Employees are eligible for a required deduction if they meet the criteria defined on Deduction Required Code (PR03.1).
    New Deduction Begin Date

    Type the first date you want new required deductions to be effective. The application will take new required deductions on the date you enter in this field. After the date in this field, the application continues to take required deductions for the employee. If you leave this field blank, the Action Effective date defaults.

    Note: Employees are eligible for a required deduction if they meet the criteria defined on Deduction Required Code (PR03.1).
  9. In the Parameters Tab, US-COBRA subtab, use the following guidelines to enter field values:
    Occurrence Type

    Select an occurrence type if the action is a qualifying COBRA event and you want the employee to be notified of COBRA rights. If you select an occurrence type, the employee is automatically defined as COBRA participant in COBRA Participant (BN70.1) when the action updates Employee (HR11.1).


    Type a COBRA participant number if you want to automatically define the employee as COBRA participant in COBRA Participant (BN70.1). Leave this field blank if the Auto Numbering field in COBRA Parameters (BN00.2) is Yes; the Benefits Administration application assigns a participant number.

  10. Select the Assignment tab to change basic employee position or job information.

    To use the position default capability, enter the new position and select the Fill Defaults action.

  11. Select the Pay tab to change position information for the employee's position level.
  12. Select the Account tab to change account information for Level 1 positions or jobs.
  13. Select the Add form function.