Performing mass position changes

You can change data for many positions at one time. For example, at the beginning of each fiscal year you can change the annual hours associated with an active position to reflect the number of work hours in the next school year.

Note: If the position field value should be cleared out, type an asterisk (*) for the field value.

To make mass position changes

  1. Access Mass Position Changes (PA103).

    On the Position Selection page, use the following guidelines to enter field values:

    Update Current Record

    Select whether the most recent effective dated record for each selected position should be updated. If you select No, a new effective date value is required.

    If you select Yes, you will not be able to clear out the existing values of the position fields.

    New Effective Date

    If you are not updating the most recent effective dated position record, enter the effective date that should be used to update the position.

    Position Status

    Select the position status value(s) to use when selecting position records. If you leave this field blank, all position status values are selected.

    Beginning Position

    If you want to select positions based on their position code, enter the first position to select. If a value is entered, then an ending position must also be entered.

    If you select a value in this field, leave the Position Class or Employee Group fields blank.

    Ending Position

    If you want to select positions based on their position code, enter the last position to select.

    If you select a value in this field, leave the Position Class and Employee Group fields blank.

    Position Class

    Select the position class for which positions should be selected. You select a value in this field, leave the Position and Employee Group field blank.

    Employee Group

    If you want to update positions held by a group of employees, select the employee group. If this update requires more than one position level, select whether to update the primary or all (non-ended) positions in the Use All Levels field.

    If you select an employee group, leave the Position and Position Class field blank.

    Use All Levels

    If you select an employee group, select whether to update the primary position or all (non-ended) positions.

    On the Assignment page, use the following guidelines to enter field values:

    Stop Date

    Type the new stop date value.

    Remove Stop Date

    Select whether the stop date should be removed. If you select Yes, a new stop date value cannot be entered.


    Select the new position reason code.


    Select the new position status.

    Process Level

    Select the new process level.


    Select the new department.

    User Level

    Select the new user level.

    Job Code

    Select the new job code.


    Select the new location.


    Select the new supervisor.

    Indirect Supervisor

    Select the new indirect supervisor.

    Link to Supervisor

    Select the new supervisor link.

    On the Pay page, use the following guidelines to enter field values:


    Select the new union.

    Bargaining Unit

    Select the new bargaining unit.

    Work Schedule

    Select the new work schedule.


    Select the new shift.

    Security Level

    Select the new security level.

    Security Location

    Select the new security location.

    Annual Hours

    Type the new annual hours.

    Salary Class

    Select the new salary class.

    Pay Frequency

    Select the new pay frequency.

    Pay Rate

    Type the new pay rate.

    Note: Asterisks (*) cannot be entered in the Pay Rate field.
    Delete Pay Rate

    If the current pay rate value should be deleted, select Yes. If you select Yes, a new pay rate cannot be entered.


    Select the new currency code.

    On the Account page, use the following guidelines to enter field values:

    Exempt from Overtime

    Select whether the position is exempt from overtime.

    Pay Plan

    Select the new pay plan.


    Select the new salary schedule.


    Select the new salary pay grade.


    Select the new step.

    Expense Company

    Select the new expense company.

    Accounting Unit

    Select the new accounting unit.


    Select the new account.

    Sub Account

    Select the new sub account.


    Select the new activity.

    Account Category

    Select the new account category.

    Encumbrance Position

    Select whether this is an encumbrance position. Select an asterisk (*) to clear the field.

    On the User Fields page, use the following guidelines to enter field values:


    Select the name of the Position user field that should be updated.


    If this is an alphabetic field, type the new alpha value for this position user field.

    If you type a value here, leave the date and numeric fields blank.


    If this is a date field, type the new date value for this position user field.

    If you type a value here, leave the alpha and numeric fields blank.


    If this is an numeric field, type the new numeric value for this position user field.

    If you type a value here, leave the alpha and date fields blank.


    If the user field holds currency information, select a currency code here.


    Select whether the user field should be deleted. If you select Yes, a new alpha, date or numeric value cannot be entered.

    When you run PA103, the application creates the following CSV files:

    • Position Code Change (POSCSV)

    • Position User Field Changes (USFCSV)

    • Prior Position Codes (PRIORPOS)

    • Prior User Fields (PRIORUSE)

    PRIORPOS and PRIORUSE contain position and position user field data as it existed before the changes. These files are for reference only.

  2. Review the PA103 report listing in conjunction with the contents of the CSV files POSCSV and USFCSV to confirm that the changed data is as desired. If necessary, directly change the CSV data.
  3. Access Position Conversion (PA502) to load POSCSV, which contains the changes.
  4. (Optional.) If you changed user field information on the User Field tab, access User Field Conversion (HR515) to load USFCSV, which contains the user field changes.
    Note: If position user fields are being changed for a new effective date, PA502 MUST be run first to create the new effective dated position records.
  5. (Optional.) If PA502 was run to update positions, and employees were not updated immediately (per the PA502 parameter), then run PA102 to update employees and requisitions with the position data changes.