Wage analysis

Wage analysis is the process of reviewing the salaries of your employees as compared to industry and organization standards. Wage analysis is also a very powerful process for examining your organization's internal equity. For example, you could check if employees in the same job code and same years of service are paid equitably, regardless of race, gender, age, disability, etc. Within the Personnel Administration application, you create a report with which you analyze wages.

Note: The Compensation Data Mart is designed to assist your compensation analyst in investigating areas of pay inequity and in comparing current salaries to the market. For information about this product, see the Analytic Architect User Guide or contact your account representative.

Wage analysis is based on salaries associated with job codes. You use either salary ranges or grade range schedules to perform wage analysis. Use salary ranges for wage analysis if the salary range of all employees with the same job code is the same. Use grade range schedules for wage analysis if the salary ranges of all employees with the same job code vary.

The only employees that are not eligible for wage analysis are those who are associated with a step and grade schedule to determine their rate of pay.

You define step and grade schedules in the Infor Payroll application. For more information on step and grade schedules, see the Infor Payroll User Guide.