Tips about interfacing
You can interface non-Lawson transactions and account balances into the Multi-Book Ledger application, using the same basic steps used to interface non-Lawson data into other Lawson applications. Keep these guidelines in mind:
Conversion requires planning. You must consider carefully what data you need to interface and what data you can add later.
Your non-Lawson files must be in an importable data format such as a comma-separated-value (CSV) file with fields that match exactly the Lawson interface files.
The process does let you correct your mistakes. You can modify the data at three stages in the process:
You can modify the non-Lawson data file before you import it.
You can modify the records in the Lawson interface files (MLTRANSREL, DBMLMTR or MLMASTREL, DBMLMMR). You can also add entire records to the files.
After you run the transaction interface program (ML165) successfully, the non-Lawson interface records are deleted from the Lawson interfaces files, and the records become valid released records in the Multi-Book Ledger application. You can unrelease and modify these records. Maintaining journal entries