What Happens When I Write off or Archive a Receipt?

The Open Receipt Archive (MA180) program gives you the option of writing off a receipt, archiving a receipt, or writing off and archiving a receipt.

The program also lets you archive landed tax and spread AOC.

Open Receipt Archive (MA180) processes receipt lines that have not been matched and any receipt lines that have not been fully matched (extra quantities on the receipt line).

Write Off

  • Receipts that are written off have general ledger postings created but are not removed from the matching pool.

    • Debits the PO Receipt Accrual account.

    • Credits the Inventory Receipt Archival account).

    • Written off receipts are still available in the match process.

      Note: Non-inventory items cannot be written off. You must remove them from the application using the Archive or Write-Off and Archive process.


  • Receipts that are archived are removed from the matching pool.

  • The application closes the receipt, updates the archived quantity on the purchase order line, and closes the purchase order line if the received quantity is equal to the PO line quantity..

    Note: No General account will be generated.

Write Off and Archive

  • Receipts that are written off and archived (for both inventory and non-inventory items) have general ledger postings and will be removed from the match pool.

    • Credits the Inventory Receipt Archival account for Inventory items

    • Debits the PO Receipt Accrual account

    • Debits the PO Line Expense account for non-inventory items

    • Credits the Receipt write off account

      Note: If Underbill account is populated – Inventory Receipt Archived account and Receipt Write off account will be overridden.

MA180 creates two reports:

  • A listing of receipts and amount written off or written off and archived.

  • A summary report of the general ledger accounts and the amount posted to those accounts.