Entering an Invoice for an Invoice-Level Match

This procedure describes how to enter an invoice-level match invoice. An invoice-level match matches invoices and receipts at the header level. The invoice total is matched against the receipt total.

To enter an invoice for an invoice-level match

  1. Access one of the following forms, based on which kind of invoice you are entering.
    If most of your invoices are Then use
    Basic Basic Invoice (AP20.1)
    Taxed Taxed Invoice (AP20.2)
  2. Define required information in the header area and on the tabs. Use the following guidelines to enter field values:

    Select your Invoice Matching company number.

    Process Level

    Select your process level, if it is not set up to default.

    Post Date

    Enter the date you want to post the transaction in the general ledger.


    Enter a voucher number if required by your handling code. The Voucher field is in the header area.


    If you are entering a purchase order number, you can leave the Vendor field blank and it will default from the purchase order.


    Enter a purchase order number.

    If your invoice references multiple purchase orders, enter an asterisk (*). In this case, the vendor would be set up to use pool option 1 (Company / Vendor).


    You must enter an invoice number. The invoice number must be unique for the company and vendor.

    Inv Date

    You must enter an invoice date. The invoice date can be the date the vendor created the invoice or the date the invoice was received.

    Note: The date the invoice was received can be entered on the Discount button.
    Handling Code

    Select the handling code setup for a match invoice, if it is not set up to default.

    Due Date

    You must make an entry in the Due Date field or the Pmt Terms field. If you use a payment term, the due date cannot be entered. If you have defined terms codes on Vendor Location (AP10.2), Remit-To location terms will not default to the invoice. Terms codes will default from the Purchase From location.

    Pmt Terms
    Invoice Amount

    You must enter the invoice amount.

  3. Define matching and currency options using the Misc tab.

    Use the following guidelines to enter field values:

    Ship To

    Required (if you are using pool option 3). Select the ship-to location.

    Return Number

    If the goods associated with the invoice were returned, enter the return number assigned to the invoice.

    Match Reference

    A user-defined number for linking an invoice to a specific receipt in the match process.

    If the vendor uses match reference processing, enter the match reference number on the Misc tab. Match reference processing for a vendor must be set up prior to invoice entry.


    The currency assigned to the invoice.

    Exchange Rate

    The exchange rate used to convert non-base currency amounts to company base currency.


    Decide whether to revalue the invoice currency against the company base currency when the invoice is paid (to account for the fluctuation in exchange rates).

  4. Enter optional information. See the Accounts Payable User Guide for additional details.
  5. Add the invoice using the Add form action. If you want to add and attempt a match in one step, select the Match form action. If you receive a message stating "Inv Amt not equal Inv Dtls, PO Tax and AOC; cannot match", this means that the invoice is out of balance. For example:

    Invoice Amount = $1000.00

    Goods = $800.00

    AOC = $30.00

    The goods amount plus the AOC only equals $830, not $1000.00. You need to adjust the goods, add-on charge, tax, or invoice amount before you can attempt to match the invoice.

Follow-up Tasks

  • You must match your invoices if you did not do so during this procedure. For information on auto or online matching, see Chapter 7, Matching.

  • If matching is successful, the invoice is ready for payment.