Carryover balance

The carryover balance shows the portion of available hours or earnings carried over from the previous period. Because there is an expiration date for the carryover, employees will lose these hours as of a certain date. Carryover balance is used only if there is an expiration date for the carryover.


This carryover example assumes the following:

  • The carryover limit is 50 hours; therefore, the employee can only carryover 50 hours.

  • The reset point is January 1; therefore, carryover is recalculated on January 1 of each year.

  • The carryover period is 3 months; therefore, any carryover hours must be used by April 1.

    Note: Available hours includes the carryover balance.
Date Accrued Used Available Carryover Balance
Dec 31 65 0
Jan 1 10 0 60* 50*
Feb 1 10 30 40 20
Mar 1 10 5 45 15
April 1 10 10 40** 0**

* On January 1, the employee loses 15 hours because 50 hours is the carryover limit. In addition, the accrued amount (10 hours) is available immediately.

** On April 1, the employee loses 5 hours because he or she did not use the remaining carryover hours by April 1.