FMLA Rolling 12 Month Update

FMLA Rolling 12 Month Update (LP151) restores leave amounts used under FMLA or other programs that allow for a rolling 12 month entitlement. After an employee uses leave time and returns to work, the amount of leave used may be automatically restored to the available balance (maintained in an Employee Absence Plan on LP31) using this program. The program will create manual transactions (viewable on LP70.1 and LP70.2) that are processed through the absence cycle (LP140, LP197) like other manual transactions.

The only constraint is that LP151 may not be run while LP140 is running. You should not create new transactions that LP140 may be trying to process as they are being created.

This program should be run outside the regular payroll and absence plan cycles.

How the system processes each instance

When you run FMLA Rolling 12 Month Update (LP151), the system determines the annual time frame for which leave of absence usage records will be restored.

Employee Leave of Absence (LP51.1) records must meet the following requirements:

  • Non-intermittent Leaves must have a Leave End Date of at least one year prior to the Process Through Date, however Intermittent Leaves can have a blank Leave End Date.

Employee Absence Plan Master (LP31.1)

  • Master End Date must be blank.

Employee Event History Update (LP54.1)

  • Must be an event service record.

  • Must have a status of 9-Closed.

  • Has a date on or after the Leave Begin Date and at least one year before the LP151 Process Through Date or the Leave End Date (whichever is earlier).

  • If leave is not completed, it has a date at least one year before the LP151 Process Through Date

  • Has a blank Restore Date. (Records that already contain a Restore Date were already restored by a previous LP151 restore and should not be processed again.)

Employee Transaction Detail Inquiry (LP64.1)

  • To restore a service record, a transaction must also exist and qualify:

    • Transaction Type is 61-Use

    • Has the same date as the event service record.

    • Has the same number of hours as the event service record.

    • Has the same number of hours as the Service Record

  • When an event service record is found matching the parameters, a restore record is created. These restore records can be viewed on Manual Transactions by Employee (LP70).

  • If a transaction is not found, then LP151 creates an Exceptions report listing the transaction with the message: Event Found With No Usage.

Additional Details

  • LP140 checks limits based on the plan’s Limit Rules set up. LP151 will not do calculations or check limits.

  • LP151 creates restore records exactly as they had been entered originally. LP151 cannot prorate or split apart hours per day.

  • LP151, when run in Update mode, populates the existing transaction record’s RESTORE-DATE value to the date used on the transaction record created.

  • The LP70 records created by LP151 can be deleted, however, the RESTORE-DATE populated on the original service record will remain and it won’t be able to be restored again.