Zeroing out employee balances

Use the following procedure to zero out available, accrual, allotment, reserve, or carry over balances for the employee absence plan master. This transaction must be created outside of an absence processing cycle.

To zero out employee balances

  1. Access Zero Balance Update Report (LP131).
  2. Complete the form using the following guidelines:

    Select the company that you want to create offset balance transactions for.

    Absence Plan

    Select the absence plan for this job.

    Structure Employee Groups

    Select the structure employee group.

    You can select up to 4 groups to identify the structures to be processed.

    An absence plan must be selected for you to select a value for this field.

    If no groups are selected, all active structures for the selected plan are selected.

    Processing Group

    Select the processing group.

    When you select a processing group, the balances of all individuals in a particular processing group are cleared out.

    Process level and employee groups must be left blank if you select a processing group.

    Process Level

    Select the process level.

    When you select a process level, the balances of all individuals in a particular process level are cleared out.

    Processing group and employee group must be left blank if you select a process level.

    Employee Group

    Select the employee group.

    When you select an employee group, the balances of all individuals in a particular employee group are cleared out.

    Processing group and process level must be left blank if you select an employee group.


    Select the employees that you want to update.

    Balance Option

    Select the type of balance to be removed.

    Transaction Date

    Select the date that the transaction will be created.

    Master Select Option

    Select the option to indicate if you want the system to update only the balance on the active master records or to update the balances on both the active and ended master records.

    Master End Thru Date

    Select the master end thru date.

    Ended master records will be selected through this date.

    Report Sequence

    Select how the report is sorted.

    Employee Sequence

    Select the employee sequence that will override the default print order defined for the company on Company (HR00).


    Select whether to rerun LP131.

    • Select 1 for No.

    • Select 2 (Yes; Recalculate All) to remove all existing open transactions created by prior run(s) of LP131 and recalculate the zero balance transactions using the new parameters on the job.

    • Select 3 (Yes; Remove Selection) to "undo" any previously generated zero balance transactions for the new parameters on the job.

    • Select 4 (Yes; Recalculate Selection) to remove and recalculate only the selected parameters.

    • Select 3 or 4 to leave any open transactions that may exist from prior runs of LP131 for employees NOT included in the current parameter selections.

      Note: The Rerun parameter may only be set to values greater than 1 (No) if the LP131 run flag is set to "completed" (*) in the cycle status for the affected Process Levels.

    Select the type of update that is done when the form is run.

  3. Add and submit the job.