Reason code (LP)

A reason code is used on a time record to define an event in Absence Management. The reason code determines which absence plan balance – available, reserve, or none – is decreased. Reason codes are required for pay codes that hold an event type service code.

The Plan Balance field on the Reason Code determines if an absence plan balance will be updated and which plan balance will be updated when an event record is entered. For example, vacation time is an absence event and tardiness is a non-absence event.

In order for an absence plan balance to be updated, both a reason code and a service code are required. The reason code's plan balance field determines which balance (available versus reserve) is updated. The service code must be defined as an Event Type, and must be tied to the service class defined on the Payroll Rule for the applicable Plan Structure.

Event records are created when Payroll time records are entered (if a reason code is present on the time record). Event type service codes hold a default reason code that will default to the time record, but can be overridden. Non-Infor payroll clients import payroll time records into Absence Management. If a reason code is present on these records, an event record is created in Absence Management.