Defining payroll rules

Use Payroll Rule (LP03.5) to define the usage service class and payout service code for both hours and earnings balances, and to define which balances are printed on payments (available, accrued, or reserved). You can also use LP03.5 to print payment information on employee paychecks. Printing balances on checks

To define payroll rules

  1. Access Payroll Rule (LP03.5) and select the company.
  2. Specify a payroll rule and description.
  3. If rules are based on hours, then use the Hours Balances tab to define hours balances. Specify this information:
    Service Class

    Select the service class to update the available hours balance.

    Typically, each service class should be tied to only one plan structure so that an employee who records time under that service code will only have one master record balance decremented. For example, Vacation plan.

    Payout Service Code

    Select a service code to use when hours are paid out from the hours balance using Absence Plan Payout (LP130). Because this creates Payroll time records, Infor Payroll is required.

    Negative Balance Limit

    Type the negative balance limit that an employee's available balance can reach before the link plan or negative balance option is processed.

    Type the limit with a negative sign after the number. For example, 20–.

    Link Plan Table

    Select the table that holds the absence plans that are linked to the plan.

    The absence plans are entered into the table in the order they are processed. When an employee's available balance becomes negative and a link plan table exists, the other plan balances are reduced by the usage amount in the order in which they are entered.

    Final Link Plan Option

    Select whether the negative balance option from the original absence plan or the linked plan will be used when the employee's usage is greater than the available balances from all linked plans.

    Process Order

    Select the processing order when negative balance limits and/or a link plan table exists. If left blank, the negative balance option is processed. This is ignored if Negative Balance Option = 3 (Do not check balance).

    Negative Balance Option

    Select the negative balance option.

    If you use Infor Payroll, select whether you want to perform edits during time record entry to warn or error when balances are negative or whether the time will be reclassified as unpaid time rather than cause a negative balance.

    The default is to perform the edit and give a soft warning message. Select 2 if you want an error that prevents the entry of a time record that would result in a negative balance.

    Web Negative Balance Option

    Select how the web time entry features will process employees when their plan balance goes negative. You can select a value different from the negative balance option which is used by the back office time entry processes.

    Unpaid Service Code

    Select the service code that will be used to record unpaid time when an employee's available plan balance is reduced to zero.

  4. In the Usage section, specify this information:
    Usage Balance Option

    Select the usage balance option. If you use Lawson Payroll, select whether to perform edits during time record entry to warn or error when the maximum usage amount is reached.

    • 1 shows a warning when the maximum usage amount is reached.

    • 2 shows an error when the maximum usage amount is reached. This option prevents the entry of a time record that exceeds the maximum usage amount.

    • 3 does not edit for maximum usage amount.

    The default is to perform the edit and give a soft warning message. Select 2 if you want an error that prevents the entry of a time record that would result in exceeding the maximum usage amount.

    Usage Balance Limit

    Specify the maximum usage amount an employee can take from their available balance before usage balance limit is processed. This limit is checked annually per the plan’s Reset Point.

    The limit must be a positive number. For example, 20.

    Web Usage Limit Option

    Select how employee available balances are processed by Employee and Manager Self-Service’s Leave Request when employee exceeds the maximum usage amount for the year.

    • 1 shows a warning when the maximum usage amount has been reached.

    • 2 shows an error when the maximum usage amount has been reached.

    • 3 does not edit for maximum usage amount.

    This value can be different from the Usage Balance option.

  5. If rules are based on Earnings, use the Earnings Balances tab to define earnings balances. Specify this information:
    Service Class

    Select a service class to update the earnings balances for usage events.

    Payout Service Code

    Select a service code to use when earnings are paid out from the earnings balance using Absence Plan Payout (LP130). This creates Payroll time records; therefore, Infor Payroll is required.

    Negative Balance Limit

    Type the negative balance limit that an employee's available balance can reach before negative balance option is processed.

    Type the limit with a negative sign after the number. For example, 20-.

    Link Plan Table

    Select the table that holds the absence plans that are linked to the plan.

    They are entered in the order they are processed. When an employee's available balance goes negative and a link plan table exists, the other plan balances are reduced by the usage amount in the order in which they are entered.

    Final Link Plan Option

    Select the final link plan option to use when the employee's earnings usage is greater than the available balances from all linked plans.

    Process Order

    Select the processing order when negative balance limits and/or a link plan table exists. If left blank, the negative balance option is processed. This is ignored if Negative Balance Option = 3 (Do not check balance).

    Negative Balance Option

    Select the negative balance option.

    If you use Infor Payroll, select whether you want to perform edits during time record entry to warn or error when balances are negative.

    The default is to perform the edit and give a soft warning message. Select 2 if you want an error that prevents the entry of a time record that would result in a negative balance.

    Web Negative Balance Option

    Select how the web will process employees when their plan balance goes negative. A value different from the negative balance option may be selected.

  6. If you want to print the Hours Balances or Earnings Balances information, use the Payment Print tab.

Related Reports and Inquiries

To Use
Generate a list of the tables that have been defined for a company for use on an absence plan rule. Rules Tables Listing (LP204)