Authority codes

Authority codes are defined and maintained in the Accounts Payable application. Use Authority Code (AP05.6) to define authority codes for a company.

Uses of authority codes in Lease Management

The Lease Management application requires all lease invoices to be approved before they are interfaced to the Accounts Payable application for payment processing. To get approval, you must assign an authority code to an invoice. You can assign an authority code during one of three phases in the process.

During this phase Use
Payment schedule setup Payment Schedule (LM30.1) or Recurring Payment (LM30.2)
Invoice adjustment Invoice Adjustment Miscellaneous (LM31.2)
Invoice approval Invoice Payment Approval (LM36.1).

Define the lease company on Company (AP00.4) with the Approval Option field set to Yes. If a default authority code exists for the vendor at the vendor or company vendor level, and you did not specify an authority code in Lease Management, then the default authority code is used when the invoice is created. If no default authority code exists, then you must assign an authority code to the lease invoice in Lease Management before it is interfaced to Accounts Payable. You can also override the default approval code.

See the information about authority codes and their defaulting hierarchy in the Accounts Payable User Guide.