Lease Management audit analysis

Lease Management Audit Analysis (LM91) is a menu that can transfer Lease Management audit analysis forms. It shows the action taken, the user or operator who took the action, the date and time of the change, and the process that is used to create the change. It can also transfer Lease Management Audit forms. Each form also contains a Filter button that is used to limit the number of records that are displayed. A detail section shows the field that is changed for the highlighted detail line and contains both the old and the new values.

Audit analysis form in LM91 menu Changes made to Are stored in
Non-Lease Component Audit (LM91.1) LMEXECCODE LMEXCODEAU
Lease Types Audit (LM91.2) LMTYPE LMTYPEAU
Lease Date Codes Detail Audit (LM91.4) LMDATEDTL LMDATEDTAU
Lease Audit for Non-lease Components (LM91.5) LMEXECASGN LMEXASGNAU
Lease Attributes Audit (LM91.6) LMLSEMXVAL LMLSEMXAU
Lease User Analysis Audit (LM91.8) LMLEASESEG LMLSESEGAU
Payment Header Audit (LM91.9) LMPAYHDR LMPAYHDRAU
Payment Detail Audit (LM95.1) LMPAYDTL LMPAYDTLAU
Recurring Payment Audit (LM95.2) LMPAYRECUR LMPAYRECAU
Advanced Compute Options Audit (LM95.3) LMCOMPUTE LMCOMPUTAU
Allocation Codes Header Audit (LM95.4) LMEXPALLOC LMEXALOCAU
Allocation Codes Detail Audit (LM95.5) LMEXPALLOX LMEXALOXAU
Invoice Audit (LM95.6) LMINVOICE LMINVAU
Distributions Audit (LM95.7) LMDISTRIB LMDSTRIBAU

Non-Lease Components Audit

Non-Lease Component Audit (LM91.1) displays information about changes made to Non-Lease Components records in the LMEXECCODE file.

Only changes made by the user to LMEXECCODE file is tracked and stored in the LMEXCODEAU file. Non-Lease Components Audit has a parameter field called Non-Lease Component and a Filter button used to limit the number of records that are displayed. A detail section displays the field changed for the highlighted detail line and contains both the old and the new values.

Lease Types Audit

Lease Types Audit (LM91.2) displays information about changes made to Lease Types records in the LMTYPE file.

Only changes made by the user to LMTYPE file is tracked and stored in the LMTYPEAU file. Lease Types Audit has a parameter field called Lease Type and a Filter button used to limit the number of records that are displayed. A detail section displays the field changed for the highlighted detail line and contains both the old and the new values.

Lease Date Codes Audit

Lease Date Codes (LM91.3) displays information about changes made to Lease Date Codes records in the LMDATECODE file.

Only changes made by the user to LMDATECODE file is tracked and stored in the LMDATECDAU file. Lease Date Codes Audit has a parameter field called Date Code and a Filter button used to limit the number of records that are displayed. A detail section displays the field changed for the highlighted detail line and contains both the old and the new values.

Lease Date Codes Detail Audit

Lease Date Codes Detail Audit (LM91.4) displays information about changes made to Lease Date Codes records in the LMDATEDTL file.

Only changes made by the user to LMDATEDTL file is tracked and stored in the LMDATEDTAU file. Lease Date Codes Detail Audit has parameter fields called Date Code, Lease, and Lease Company and a Filter button used to limit the number of records that are displayed. A detail section displays the field changed for the highlighted detail line and contains both the old and the new values.

Lease Audit for Non-lease Components

Lease Audit for Non-lease Components (LM91.5) displays information about changes made to Non-Lease Components Lease Detail records in the LMEXECASGN file.

Only changes made by the user to LMEXECASGN file is tracked and stored in the LMEXASGNAU file. Non-Lease Components Lease Detail Audit has parameter fields called Company, Lease, and Non-Lease Component and a Filter button used to limit the number of records that are displayed. A detail section displays the field changed for the highlighted detail line and contains both the old and the new values.

Lease Attributes Audit

Lease Attributes Audit (LM91.6) displays information about changes made to Lease Attribute records in the LMLSEMXVAL file.

Only changes made by the user to LMLSEMXVAL file is tracked and stored in the LMLSEMXAU file. Lease Attributes Audit has parameter fields called Company, Lease, and Attribute and a Filter button used to limit the number of records that are displayed. A detail section displays the field changed for the highlighted detail line and contains both the old and the new values.

Lease Audit

Lease Audit (LM91.7) displays information about changes made to Lease Audit records in the LMLEASE file.

Only changes made by the user to LMLEASE file is tracked and stored in the LMLEASEAU file. Lease Audit has parameter fields called Company and Lease, and a Filter button used to limit the number of records that are displayed. A detail section displays the field changed for the highlighted detail line and contains both the old and the new values.

Lease User Analysis Audit

Lease User Analysis Audit (LM91.8) displays information about changes made to Lease User Analysis records in the LMLEASESEG file.

Only changes made by the user to LMLEASESEG file is tracked and stored in the LMLSESEGAU file. Lease User Analysis Audit has parameter fields called Company and Lease and a Filter button used to limit the number of records that are displayed. A detail section displays the field changed for the highlighted detail line and contains both the old and the new values.

Payment Header Audit

Payment Header Audit (LM91.9) displays information about changes made to Payment Header records in the LMPAYHDR file.

Only changes made by the user to LMPAYHDR file is tracked and stored in the LMPAYHDRAU file. Payment Header Audit has parameter fields called Company, Lease and Payment Vendor and a Filter button used to limit the number of records that are displayed. A detail section displays the field changed for the highlighted detail line and contains both the old and the new values.

Payment Detail Audit

Payment Detail Audit (LM95.1)displays information about changes made to Payment Detail records in the LMPAYDTL file.

Only changes made by the user to LMPAYDTL file is tracked and stored in the LMPAYDTLAU file. Payment Detail Audit has parameter fields called Company, Lease and Payment Vendor and a Filter button used to limit the number of records that are displayed. A detail section displays the field changed for the highlighted detail line and contains both the old and the new values.

Recurring Payment Audit

Recurring Payment Audit (LM95.2) displays information about changes made to Recurring Payment records in the LMPAYRECUR file.

Only changes made by the user to LMPAYRECUR file is tracked and stored in the LMPAYRECAU file. Recurring Payment Audit has parameter fields called Company, Lease and Payment Vendor and a Filter button used to limit the number of records that are displayed. A detail section displays the field changed for the highlighted detail line and contains both the old and the new values.

Advanced Compute Options Audit

Advanced Compute Options Audit (LM95.3)displays information about changes made to Advanced Compute Options records in the LMCOMPUTE file.

Only changes made by the user to LMCOMPUTE file is tracked and stored in the LMCOMPUTAU file. Advanced Compute Options Audit has a parameter field called Compute Option and a Filter button used to limit the number of records that are displayed. A detail section displays the field changed for the highlighted detail line and contains both the old and the new values.

Allocation Codes Header Audit

Allocation Codes Header Audit (LM95.4) displays information about changes made to Allocation Codes Header records in the LMEXPALLOC file.

Only changes made by the user to LMEXPALLOC file is tracked and stored in the LMEXALOCAU file. Allocation Codes Header Audit has a parameter field called Allocation Code and a Filter button used to limit the number of records that are displayed. A detail section displays the field changed for the highlighted detail line and contains both the old and the new values.

Allocation Codes Detail Audit

Allocation Codes Detail Audit (LM95.5)displays information about changes made to Allocation Codes Detail records in the LMEXPALLOX file.

Only changes made by the user to LMEXPALLOX file is tracked and stored in the LMEXALOXAU file. Allocation Codes Detail Audit has parameter fields called Allocation Code, Company, and Accounting Unit and a Filter button used to limit the number of records that are displayed. A detail section displays the field changed for the highlighted detail line and contains both the old and the new values.

Invoice Audit

Invoice Audit (LM95.6) displays information about changes made to Invoice records in the LMINVOICE file.

Only changes made by the user to LMINVOICE file is tracked and stored in the LMINVAU file. Invoice Audit has parameter fields called Company, Lease, Payment Number, Payment Vendor, and Cancel Sequence and a Filter button used to limit the number of records that are displayed. A detail section displays the field changed for the highlighted detail line and contains both the old and the new values.

Distributions Audit

Distributions Audit (LM95.7)displays information about changes made to Distributions records in the LMDISTRIB file.

Only changes made by the user to LMDISTRIB file is tracked and stored in the LMDSTRIBAU file. Distributions Audit has parameter fields called Company, Payment Vendor, Lease, Payment Number, Cancel Sequence, and Distribution Seq Number and a Filter button used to limit the number of records that are displayed. A detail section displays the field changed for the highlighted detail line and contains both the old and the new values.

Related reports and inquires

Action Process
Generate an audit report for any audit analysis types in a single job. The user can also run the program for a single audit analysis type. Use LM Audit Analysis Report (LM278)
Delete audit analysis records for any audit analysis types in a single job. The user can also run the program for a single audit analysis type. Use LM Audit Analysis Report (LM305)