Mass updating cart/par locations

You can perform mass changes to cart or par locations and add, replace, or delete an item on multiple carts. Also, you can change any value for an item at the cart/par location, and print a report (or update and report) of the results of the change you made.

To mass update a cart/par location

  1. Run Par Cart Mass Changes (IC331).
  2. Determine what will be affected by the change you make. Consider the following tabs.

    Type or select the company, par location or report group, item, and update method. The update selections are report or update mode.

    Change Field

    Type or select a new bin sequence, shelf location, par level, or unit of measure. You can select only one field for change.


    Change the vendor or purchase from location, or replace an item from one company, location, or bin to another.

    Item Change

    Replace one item with another, or you can add or delete an item.

Related reports and inquiries

To Use
List all items at a par location either alphabetically or in order of location Par Inventory Worksheet (IC281)
Evaluate stock-on-hand quantities based on the costing method defined for your company Par Location Valuation (IC283)
Print detail usage of an item (at a par location or report group) by period (batch report) Detail Par Loc Utilization (IC285)
Print detail usage of an item (at a par location or report group) by month (online inquiry) Detail Par Location Utilization by Month (IC84.1)