Related reports and inquiries

To Use
Display item balances at a specific location Item Location Balances (IC31)
Inquire on item availability by location to display stock-on-hand, demand, supply and intransit quantities Availability by Location (IC40)
List item quantities within a bin by location Items Within a Bin (IC41)
Display items by bin usage type for a location Bin Type Inquiry (IC43)
Compare bin storage limitations to item storage requirements Available Bin Space (IC51)
Print stock-on-hand quantities by location for a bin Bin Stock on Hand Report (IC238)
Calculate reorder point for items Economic Order Quantity and Reorder Calculation (IC120)
Create a custom inquiry form Inquiry Formats (IC35)
Inquire on items using formats you define User Defined Item Inquiry (IC36)
View the status of stock for a specified location, or group of locations from one screen Inventory Stock Status (IC44)
View the UDI details for an inventory item Item UDI Details (IC75)
Print the UDI details for an inventory item and archive old UDI detail records Item UDI Print and Archive (IC375)
View the stock on hand for a company, report group, or location Inventory Status (IC46)
Print the accumulated inventory transaction amounts for a specified company, location, report group, groups of document type, or group of items Transactions by Document Type (IC287)
Print a list of active inventory or non-stock items, or both that are recommended for inactivation for a specified company, location, or report group. Item Inactivation Report (IC248)