Transferring inventory to another location

To send inventory to another stocking location, you use either a direct or intransit transfer. The steps in this procedure explain how to create a direct or intransit transfer.

Procedure flow: Transferring inventory to another location

Transfer inventory to another location

  1. Access Transfers (IC22.1).
  2. Define header information.
  3. Select the transfer method in the Intransit field.
    Select To create
    No A direct transfer
    Yes An indirect transfer
  4. Select the items to transfer.
  5. Specify the item quantities.
    Note: Drill Around on the item to determine the valid units of measure.
  6. If your company requires item unit of measure on transactions, specify the item unit of measure.
  7. Select the Add form action.
  8. If you transfer any items that are detail tracked, you are prompted to complete a Walk Thru. If an item is tracked by bin, lot, serial number, or UDI, you are transferred to Lots (IC29.1), Serials (IC29.2), Bins (IC29.3), or UDI (IC29.5).

    You cannot view or make changes to the transfer on Transfers (IC22) after you release the document. Use Transaction History (IC50) or Released Document Report (IC250) to view the document then use Adjustments (IC24) to create an adjustment to change stock-on-hand.

    Note: Stock-on-hand is adjusted at both locations when you release a direct transfer, and at the original location for an intransit transfer.
  9. Release the transfer document.
    To Use
    Release individual transfer Transfers (IC22)
    Release multiple transfers Document Release (IC25)