Defining a compute statement
A compute statement is an arithmetic equation you can define to perform a calculation within Human Resource Writer reports and inquiries.
To define a compute statement
Access Human Resource Writer Compute Statement (HR67.1).
Note: Compute statements that include data items from a detail topic can only be used in reports that use the same detail topic.Note: Data items are displayed with their associated topic and item number.
Use the following guidelines to enter field values:
- Column Heading 2
You can type a second line of column heading.
- Column
Each factor of the compute statement can be a report column number, a data item number, or a constant value. Entry of a report column number indicates to the application that the value appearing in that column on the report is to be used in the computation.
For example, if the fifth column on the report is Pay Rate and you type 5 in the column field, the application uses the pay rate for the employee in the computation.
- Item
Select the item for the factor in the compute statement. When you select the item, the topic and the application-assigned number of the Data Item field are displayed. The data item you select in this field will be used in the computation.
- Value
The numeric value you type in this field is treated as a constant in the compute statement.
- Operator 1
Select the mathematical operator you want the application to use on factors 1 and 2.
- Operator 2
Select the mathematical operator you want the application to use on factors 2 and 3.
- First Operator
If the compute statement includes two operators, select the value that indicates which to use first if it makes a difference in the result.
Note: Use Human Resource Writer Format Item Order (HR65.3) to arrange the data items and compute statements in the order you want on the report. - Create the report. See HR Writer reports.
- Select the compute statement to be included on the report using HR Writer Format Item Selection (HR65.2). See Identifying data items to be included in the report.