E7 - Employee (Benefits Information)

  • Employee and History report Master topic.

  • Accesses data from the Employee and Employee PA Information files.

  • Valid with all Human Resources systems installed.

  • Data loaded by the Benefits tabs of Employee (HR11.1).

    Item name Description
    Apply Max Comp Limit Indicates whether to apply the maximum compensation limit
    Benefit Date 1 First alternate benefit eligibility date
    Benefit Date 2 Second alternate benefit eligibility date
    Benefit Date 3 Third alternate benefit eligibility date
    Benefit Date 4 Fourth alternate benefit eligibility date
    Benefit Date 5 Fifth alternate benefit eligibility date
    Benefit Salary 1 First alternate benefit salary amount
    Benefit Salary 2 Second alternate benefit salary amount
    Benefit Salary 3 Third alternate benefit salary amount
    Benefit Salary 4 Fourth alternate benefit salary amount
    Benefit Salary 5 Fifth alternate benefit salary amount
    Benefits Postal Code Benefit postal code
    Dental Dependents Covered dependents for dental plan
    Established Patient Indicates if the primary care physician is the employee's current health care provider.
    Family Agg Employee Highly-compensated employee associated with this employee
    Health Dependents Covered dependents for health plan
    Highly Compensated Indicates if employee is a highly compensated employee
    Key Employee Indicates if employee is a key employee
    Lifestyle Credits Credits received for a healthy lifestyle
    Medicare indicator Employee's Medicare status
    Officer Indicates if the employee is an officer of the company
    Owner Indicates if the employee is an owner of the company
    Primary Physician Employee's primary physician
    Prior Months Cov Indicates the number of months of prior health cover eligible under HIPAA provisions.
    Related Employee Indicates if employee is related to the employer
    Smoker Indicates if the employee is a smoker
    Spouse Dental Date Date dental coverage under spouse's employer was verified
    Spouse Dental Plan Indicates if the employee has dental coverage under spouse's plan
    Spouse Emplr Addr1 First line of spouse's employer's address
    Spouse Emplr Addr2 Second line of spouse's employer's address
    Spouse Emplr Addr3 Third line of spouse's employer's address
    Spouse Emplr Addr4 Fourth line of spouse's employer's address
    Spouse Emplr City City of spouse's employer's address
    Spouse Emplr Country Country of spouse's employer
    Spouse Emplr Name Name of spouse's employer
    Spouse Emplr Ph Ctry Spouse's employer's phone country code
    Spouse Emplr Phone Spouse employer's phone number
    Spouse Emplr Postal Postal code of spouse's employer's address
    Spouse Emp St or Pro State of spouse's employer's address
    Spouse Health Date Date health coverage under spouse's employer was verified
    Spouse Health Plan Indicates if employee has health coverage under spouse's plan
    Stock Trade Indicates if employee is an insider for stock trading purposes