CO - Employee CODA Account Balances

  • History report Detail topic.

  • Accesses data from the Cash/Deferred Account History file.

  • Provides data about contributions to an employee's CODA account for a given year and contribution plan. All YTD amounts are annual amounts.

  • Valid only with the Benefits system.

  • Data loaded by CODA Account Balance (BN55.1) and Payroll Close (PR197).

An asterisk (*) indicates a database field used for date range searches.

Item name Description
LTD Account Balance Plan life-to-date account balance. The account balance is the sum of the following six fields.
LTD Aft-Tax Contrib Plan life-to-date employee after tax contributions
LTD Company Contrib Plan life-to-date company contributions
LTD Contrib Interest Plan life-to-date interest on contributions
LTD Forfeit/Addition Plan life-to-date forfeitures and other additions
LTD Other Interest Plan life-to-date interest
LTD Pre-tax Contrib Plan life-to-date employee pretax contributions
Last Update Date Last date the account balance is updated
Plan Code Benefit plan code
Plan Description Benefit plan description
Plan Start Date Plan start date
Plan Type Indicates if defined benefit or defined contribution
Plan Year* Benefit plan year
YTD Account Balance Plan year-to-date account balance for the plan year. The account balance is the sum of the following six fields.
YTD Aft-Tax Contrib Plan year-to-date employee after-tax contributions
YTD Company Contrib Plan year-to-date company contributions
YTD Contrib Interest Plan year-to-date interest on contributions
YTD Forfeit/Addition Plan year-to-date forfeitures and other additions
YTD Other Interest Plan year-to-date other interest
YTD Pre-Tax Contrib Plan year-to-date employee pre-tax contributions