Defining employee additional fields

Employee additional fields are used for payroll processing for work countries that are not United States or Canada. The values can be overridden by Global Human Resources (GHR), provided that GHR is the system of record and the records will be interfaced to HRM using the HRM Receiver Update (LT111) program.

Before you define employee additional fields, you must define the employee.

  1. Access Employee Master (HR11.1).
  2. Select an employee.
  3. Click the Additional Details button to invoke Employee Additional Fields (HR11.5). You can also directly access HR11.5.
  4. Inquire on a company and employee. The fields for that employee work country are displayed in the Data Item column.
  5. Specify this information:
    Effective Date

    The effective date is required when adding or changing the employee additional information. If the effective date is blank, the system date is used.


    Select the line action to perform.

    Data Item

    Based on the employee’s work country, the data items are displayed. These are display only fields.


    Define the data item values for the employee. For data items that require selection listing, you can select the valid values that are available on HRSC.1.