DM - Employee Deduction

  • Employee report Detail topic.

  • Accesses data from the Deduction file and Employee Deduction file.

  • Valid only with the Payroll system.

  • Data loaded by Speed Benefit Entry (BN31.1), Employee Benefit Changes (BN32.1), Employee Change Benefit Update (BN100), , Mass Benefit Add (BN101), Plan Employee Update (BN102), Deduction (PR05.1), Batch Benefit Enrollment (BN531), Employee Taxes (PR13.1), Employee Canada Taxes (PR35.3), Employee Deduction (PR14.1), Deduction Speed Entry (PR15.1), Employee Deduction Speed Entry (PR 15.2), and Deduction Listing (PR205).

    Item name Description
    Account Category Account category for deduction
    Accrual Account Account number for deduction liability accrual
    Accrual Acct Unit Accounting unit for deduction liability accrual
    Accrual Dist Co Distribution company for deduction liability accrual
    Accrual Full Account Full account (accounting unit, account, and subaccount) for deduction liability accrual
    Accrual Sub Account Subaccount for deduction liability accrual
    Activity Specific work activity
    Additional Exempts Number of additional exemptions
    Additional Exempt Amt Additional exemption amount
    Additional Std Ded Additional exemptions claimed for tax levy deductions
    Additional Tax Amt Amount associated with additional tax code
    Additional Tax Code Additional tax code associated with the deduction
    Additional Tax Rate Tax rate for additional tax code
    Addl or Min Amount Amount or percent used with calculation types 1 and 2 on PR05.1 (Deduction).
    Adjust Pay Indicates how a deduction affects an employee's pay.
    Age 65 or Over Indicates whether employee is over age 65
    Amount or Percent Amount or percent to be taken in the payroll cycle
    Arrears Indicates if arrears deductions are created when the full deduction amount cannot be taken
    Auth Tax Credit Amount of special tax credits authorized by the District Tax Office for income tax calculations
    Auth Tax Deduction Amount of special tax deductions authorized by the District Tax Office for income tax calculations
    Tax Formula Tax formula used to calculate the deduction
    Balance Amount Balance amount for limit or descending type deductions
    Balance Type Balance type
    Calculation Type Calculation type for deduction
    Certificate Code Type of certificate the employee has on file
    Country Code Indicates employee work country
    Create Invc by Emp Select whether invoices are created for employees or in summary for the deduction
    Deduction Deduction
    Deduction Class Deduction class
    Deduction Cycles Payroll cycles in which deductions are taken
    Deduction Description Deduction description
    Default Amount or Percent Default amount or percent used with deduction calculation types 1 and 2
    Dep Disabled Ovr 17 Indicates if employee has disabled dependent(s) over the age of 17
    Dependent Exemptions Number of dependent exemptions for the deduction
    Dependent Under 18 Indicates if employee has dependents under the age of 18
    Effective Date Deduction start date
    Employee Disability Indicates whether employee has a disability
    Ending Date Deduction stop date
    Exclude Flag Indicates if the deduction is excluded from the calculation of disposable income
    Exemption Amount Exempt amount associated with the deduction
    Exemptions Number of exemptions associated with the deduction
    Expense Account Account number for deduction expense
    Expense Acct Unit Accounting unit for deduction expense
    Expense Dist Co Distribution company for deduction expense
    Expense Full Account Full account number (accounting unit, account, and subaccount) for deduction expense
    Expense Sub Account Subaccount number for deduction expense
    Garnishment Flag Indicates the name of the garnishment table
    IRS Table Year that identifies the IRS tax table used to determine amount of protected income for a tax levy deduction
    Labour Sp Stock Annual purchase amount of labor-sponsored approved stock
    Levy Exempts Number of exemptions used to determine amount of protected income for a tax levy deduction
    Levy Filing Status Status used to determine amount of protected income for a tax levy deduction
    MTD Wages Indicator Indicates if the withholding type deduction is based on month-to-date wages.
    Marital Status Marital status associated with the deduction
    Married Equivalent Indicates whether employee is married
    Matched Deduction Indicates which employee deduction is being matched
    Matched Percent Indicates up to what percent of the employee's contribution is being matched.
    Monthly Limit Limit that can be taken in a single month for this deduction
    Net Claim Amt Net claim amount for the deduction from Item 9 of the Personal Tax Credits Return form
    Pay Class Pay class
    Payment Description Payment description
    Payment Limit Deduction limit that can be taken on a single payment
    Personal Exemptions Number of personal exemptions
    Prescribed Area The amount the employee can claim for living in a prescribed area
    Prior SUI Wages Indicates if the withholding type deduction is based on month-to-date wages.
    Priority Deduction priority
    Required Code Indicates the deduction required code
    Resident Indicates if the employee is a resident of the tax authority associated with the deduction
    Student/Pension Ex The amount of student or pension credit amounts used to adjust inflation of the Net Claim Amount
    Sub Priority Deduction sub priority
    TD1 Adjust Date Indicates adjust date for a TD1 form
    TD1 Filing Date The last date the employee filed a TD1 form
    Tax Authority Tax authority
    Tax Authority Desc Tax authority description
    Tax Authority Type Tax authority description type
    Tax Category Tax category
    Tax Exempt Flag Select whether employee is exempt for taxes deducted using the deduction
    Tax Status Tax status
    Update AP Select whether invoice transactions are created
    Vendor Vendor for the accounts payable company
    WC Table Indicator Select whether the deduction is based on a workers compensation premium table.
    YTD Amount Calendar year-to-date deduction amount taken
    YTD Taxable Calendar year-to-date taxable wages for a withholding-type deduction