Award Summary Report (GM400)

Run Award Summary Report (GM400) to view revenue, expense, commitment budget, remaining budget, and applied cash information for award activities. The report also includes general information about the grant activities, including the Principal Investigator (PI), division, department, award sponsor, and sponsor award number. You can sort the report data by grant activity, PI, or division/department.

  • On the Activity tab, select the activity or activities for which you want to run the report. You can run GM400 for an activity group list, an activity group, up to six individual activities, or an activity list. The Activity Level Type field on the Output Options tab defines if posting, summary and contract, or both types of activities are included in the report.

    Activities that have been set up on Award (GM01.1) or have a "parent" that is set up on GM01.1 are eligible to be included in the report. If you specify summary or contract type activities in the Activities fields or if summary or contract activities are included in the activity list or activity group list you choose, GM400 automatically includes the children activities of those summary or contract type activities. In other words, any posting, contract, or summary activities "under" a summary or contract activity are also included in the report.

  • On the Other Options tab, select the report period and the type of amount to be printed in the report (Period to Date or Year to Date). Use this tab also to optionally select a budget to compare budgeted and actual amounts, as well as a currency and up to five statuses for which the report should be run.

  • One the Output Options tab, select print options, such as the level of detail and activity type to include in the report as well as the sort option.

  • On the Encumber F&A Costs tab, calculate and print an F&A encumbrance amount on the report based on an F&A rate and account categories that you specify.

    Adding F&A encumbrances to the report gives you a better picture of overall grant costs, commitments, and remaining budget. You can make sure that the calculations only include eligible cost account categories. You can select an eligible account category group to apply the F&A rate to all the cost account categories in the group that are associated with the selected activities, or you can select up to ten cost account categories to exclude from the calculations and have the program apply the rate to all the cost account categories for the selected activities EXCEPT for the excluded account categories. You must also select an account category where the program will store the calculated encumbrance amounts.