Processing Effort

Processing effort for effort reporting involves several tasks. Use the following illustration and procedure to help you process effort and create an effort report.

Overview of Processing Effort

Before you can process effort for effort reporting, make sure the following has been completed:

  • The employee is set up for effort reporting on Grant Management (HR11.3).
  • The payroll cycle is complete, and you have run Payroll Close (PR197) or Non-Lawson Payroll Tran Import (GM500).

To process effort for effort reporting

  1. To calculate effort for the grant activities that had planned effort or salary costs charged to them in the current report period, run Effort Calculation and Certification Report (GM165) with the Report Option field set to Calculate Effort (1). Review the report.
  2. Type actual effort percentages on Actual Effort Entry (GM65.2).
  3. Use Effort Rounding Adjustment (GM66.1) to adjust the calculated salary or planned effort percentage on an effort line if the total salary is not equal to 100 percent or if the total planned effort is not equal to 0 percent or 100 percent.
    Note: Due to rounding variances, planned effort percentages calculated when you run Effort Calculation and Certification Report (GM165) may result in total percentages that do not quite equal 100 percent. Use this form to adjust the percentage on one line so that all the lines total 100 percent.
  4. To review actual effort percentages on the effort report, re-run Effort Calculation and Certification Report (GM165) with the Report Option field set to Print Only (3).
  5. To complete labor cost transfers before effort is certified, run Effort Variance Report (GM465). GM465 lets you review variance amounts for employees, including differences between actual effort and planned effort and differences between actual effort and salary to determine if you need to do any labor cost transfers.
  6. If you create labor cost transfers, you may need to recalculate effort.
    1. Run Effort Calculation and Certification Report (GM165) again with the Report Option field set to Recalculate Effort (2).
    2. Use Actual Effort Entry (GM65.2) to re-enter actual effort for the employees who had changes.
    3. Use Effort Rounding Adjustment (GM66.1) to adjust or re-adjust the calculated salary or planned effort percentage so the total is 100 percent.
  7. Certify effort on Primary Certifier (GM65.3). Also on Secondary Certifier (GM65.4), if required.
  8. To determine if any effort records have not been certified, run Effort Exception Report (GM265).
  9. If some effort records have not been certified, certify the outstanding effort records
  10. To confirm that no other uncertified records exist, re-run Effort Exception Report (GM265).
  11. To validate the effort information and create an audit copy of the effort certification report, re-run Effort Calculation and Certification Report (GM165) with the Report Option field set to Print Only (3).
  12. To review variance amounts for employees, run Effort Variance Report (GM465). Use the variance report to determine if you need to do any labor cost transfers.