How Are Imported Records Validated?
Non-Lawson Payroll Tran Import (GM500) validates data in two phases:
Phase 1 batch validations are performed when a GM500 job is added, changed, or submitted. The batch validation checks to make sure a GM500 job is not already in progress for the run group, all records contain the same transaction currency, and the total amount of records in the run group nets to zero by HR company.
Phase 2 data validations make sure the GMDISTREL (Unix/Windows) or DBGMGDI (IBMi) file is populated correctly and defaults any missing values where appropriate. The Phase 2 data validation ensures:
The Check ID field is populated when the Record Type is Gross Wages (1)
All records contain a valid HR company
Records contain a valid employee for the HR company when the Check ID field is populated
There is valid currency code and currency relationships for the GL company and activity in the record
The Expense Code field is populated when the Record Type is Employer-Paid Expense (2) and the Check ID field is populated
All records contain a period end date and transaction date
If the Check ID field is populated, the Pay Plan Code field is populated
Pay codes and job codes are valid
General Ledger account information is valid
Activity and account category information is valid
Error Report
GM500 prints an error report (GM500 error-rpt) if it encounters any data validation problems in the GMDISTREL (Unix/Windows) or DBGMGDI (IBMi) file. Labor distribution does not occur, and the errors must be corrected to proceed. You can also run this report if you choose Error Report Only in the Report Option field on GM500.