Transferring remote site subsystem transactions

If you defined the General Ledger application as a remote site, then each subsystem creates General Ledger transactions in a CSV transaction file. You must move the CSV files to the target application server, import the data, and upload the data to the General Ledger Transaction file in the General Ledger application. After the transactions are uploaded to the General Ledger Transaction file, you can post them to the General Ledger application. Use this procedure to transfer subsystem transactions from remote sites.

  1. If your subsystems and the General Ledger application run on different application servers, then you must move the CSV Remote Transaction (REMOTEGLT) files to the target application server. The files are located in the following directory on the source application server:

    For UNIX:

    $LAWDIR/ productline/work/remoteglt

    For Windows:

    %LAWDIR%\/ productline\work\remoteglt

    For IBMi:

    LAWDIR / productline/work/remoteglt

  2. Use the Import (IMPORTDB) command to load the CSV file data into the General Ledger Remote Transfer (GLREMOTETX (for UNIX/Windows) DBIFGTX (for IBMi)) database file. For instructions on using the Import command, see the System Utilities Reference Guide.
  3. The import process creates a file called REMOTEGLT.imp. If the data loads successfully, then the file is empty. Otherwise, the file contains records that did not import.
  4. Run Remote Site GL Transaction Upload (GL311) to create transactions in the General Ledger Transaction (GLTRANS (for UNIX/Windows) DBGLGLT (for IBMi)) database file. The transactions have a Released status.