Considerations for running General Ledger and subsystems on separate application servers

If your subsystems and General Ledger run on separate application servers or use different databases on the same application server, then you will have additional setup and processing considerations. For example, you might have a Financials application server and a Human Resources application server. Include these procedures in your General Ledger setup and periodic processing:

  • Install the General Ledger subset on the application servers on which you run your subsystems.

  • Duplicate the General Ledger setup information (such as your company, accounting units, source codes, system codes and currency setup) from the application server or database your General Ledger application runs on to each application server your subsystems run on or in each database you use. For more information, see Lawson Administration: Server Setup and Maintenance.

  • On each application server or in each database that creates subsystem transactions, define the General Ledger application as a remote site. This causes the subsystem to create general ledger transactions in a comma-separated value (CSV) format on the source application server.

  • Periodically transfer the CSV files that contain the subsystem transactions to the application server that General Ledger runs on so you can process the transactions and then post them to the General Ledger application. See Transferring remote site subsystem transactions.

Remote site

Note: If you work on a single application server and single database environment, then you do not need to define remote site information. Subsystems send transactions directly to General Ledger.

If your subsystems and the General Ledger application run on separate application servers or use different databases, then you must define the General Ledger application as a remote site on the application servers or in the databases that create subsystem transactions.

When you define the General Ledger system code as a remote site, each subsystem creates general ledger transactions in a CSV (comma separated value) format in the Remote General Ledger Transaction file. You must transfer the transactions to the application server or database where the General Ledger application is located by:

  • moving the CSV files to the target application server,

  • importing the CSV file data to the General Ledger Remote Transfer (GLREMOTETX (for UNIX/Windows) DBIFGTX (for IBMi)) database file, and

  • running Remote Site GL Transaction Upload (GL311) to load the data to the General Ledger Transaction (GLTRANS (for UNIX/Windows) DBGLGLT (for IBMi)) file.

After the transactions are in the General Ledger Transaction file, you can process them in the General Ledger application.


This example shows a sample processing scenario involving a Financial application server, a Human Resources application server, and a Procurement application server. In this scenario, you must install the General Ledger subset and define the General Ledger application as a remote site on the Human Resources application server and the Procurement application server. To consolidate data for processing and posting, you must transfer the CSV files containing subsystem transactions from the Human Resources application server and the Procurement application server to the Financial application server.

Illustration: distributed processing scenario