Posting Journal Entries

You must post journal entries at least once in an accounting period to update account balances. You can perform journal posting any time after you release a journal entry. Use this procedure to post journal entries. You can also update account balances for reports and inquiries without actually posting. What Is Quick-Posting?

You must release a journal entry before it can be posted. Any transaction with a journal hold code attached can only be posted after the hold is removed.

To post a journal entry

  1. Run Journal Posting (GL190).
  2. Use the following guidelines to enter field values:

    Type or select the company number you want to post journal entries for. If you select a company, leave the Company Group field blank.

    Company Group:

    Type or select the company group you want to post journal entries for. If you select a company group, leave the Company field blank.

    Fiscal Year and Period

    You can select the fiscal year and period in which you want to process the journal entries. If you leave these fields blank, the current fiscal year and current period default. You can post entries in any open period.

    Through Posting Date, System, or Operator

    To narrow the group of journal entries to be posted, you can run Journal Posting (GL190) for a specific system code, for a specific operator code, or through a specific posting date.


    Select how the report is organized. The default is Journal Entry, which prints in numerical order. If you select Operator, which groups journal entries by operator.

    Updated Journals Only

    Select whether only updated journal entries are included in the report. The default is Yes.


    Select whether or not journal entry comments are included in the report.

    Transaction Attributes:

    Select if transaction attribute categories are included in the report.

    Report Style:

    Select the desired report output.

    • Standard (default) - creates a report for the base currency
    • Separate - creates reports for each report currency and the base currency. This can produce up to three different reports.
    • Inline - creates a report with the currency exchange calculation between the transaction and report or base currency
    • Both - creates the Inline style report and a separate report for all currencies. This can create up to four different reports.
    Page Break:

    Select whether or not to page break on each journal entry. The default is Yes.