Defining Budget Edit Parameters for Posting Accounts

This is an optional step. Use this procedure to define budget edit parameters for posting accounts. The parameters you define will override the parameters on the chart of accounts. If you do not define a parameter, the system will use the chart of accounts value.

To define budget edit parameters for accounting units

  1. Access Accounting Units - Accounts (GL20.1).
  2. Type or select the company and accounting unit that you want to define budget editing for. Defining accounting units
  3. Choose Accounts to access Posting Accounts (GL20.2). Locate the account you want to want to define budget editing for.
  4. Click More to access Account Options (GL20.3). Use the following guidelines to enter the field value:
    Budget Edit

    Select whether you want the system to edit the budget. If you leave this field blank, the system will use the chart of account value.