Defining Grant Budgets (GM15.2)

Use Grant Budget (GM15.2) to create and maintain grant award and match or cost share budget amounts by awarding agency pay request cost classification. Grant award and project agreements are typically broken down into two categories, expenditures covered by the Grant Funding Source and expenditures covered by an Internal or Match funding source. Grant and Match Budget amounts are summarized by cost classification for printing on the Grant Request for Reimbursement (GM121) and Grant Summary Report (GM415).

The grant budget stores grant amounts as reported on the NOGA (Notification of Grant Award).

To setup grant budgets

  1. Access Grant Budget (GM15.2).
  2. Select a Grant and click Inquire.
  3. Use the following guidelines to enter field values:

    Displays the Grant (GM15.1) awarded amount.


    Displays budgeted amount for the Grant and Match.


    Displays remaining balance for the Grant and Match.

    Percent of Total

    Displays Grant percent of the total budgeted amount. (Total Grant or Match Budgeted / Total Budgeted).


    Displays Total cost classification budgeted amount (grant cost class budget amount + match cost class budget amount).

  4. Define the grant budget. Use the following guidelines to enter field values:

    Select the action you want to perform on this line


    Type the sort order for printing on the request for reimbursement.

    Cost Class

    Select a Pay Request Cost Classification. Grant and match budget amounts are summarized by cost classification and used for printing the Grant Request for Reimburssement (GM121) and Grant Summary Report (GM415).

    The cost class description will display on the bottom of the form as each line is selected.


    Type the Grant budget amount for the cost classification selected as reported on the Notice of Grant Award (NOGA) or agreement. The grant budget cost classification amount entered via GM15.2 will be printed on the Grant Request for Reimburssement (GM121).


    Type the Grantee match budget amount for the cost classification selected. The budgeted match amounts entered via GM15.2 will be printed on the request for reimbursement.


    Displays total cost classification budgeted amount (grant cost class budget amount + match cost class budget amount).

Related Reports and Inquiries

To Use
Print a list of

Reference the GMGRANTBUD file using Lawson Addins for Microsoft Office Query Wizard.

For complete information about Lawson Add-ins for Microsoft Office, see the Lawson Add-ins User Guide.