Allocating expenditures (GM120)

The Grant Expenditure Allocation program allocates eligible expenditures to funding sources based on funding rules established via Multi-Funded Contract (GM20). If a contract is funded by a single funding source, GM120 allocates 100% of the expenditures to the funding source. If a contract is funded by multiple funding sources, then GM120 allocates to funding sources based on the rules established in GM20.

GM120 will only process contracts in an Approved status. Ensure contracts are approved by referencing the contract status via Multi Funded Contracts (GM20).

Running GM120 in update mode:

Note: If a project contract is underfunded, then you will need to run contract fund adjustment or contract fund transfer.
  • Creates and updates the grant pay request header (ACHISTHDR) and detail lines (ACHISTDTL) in a released (1) status.

  • Updates Expenditure and Remaining balance amounts and allocated date for grant, contract, and contract funding source.

  • Updates the original cost transaction as allocated including Billed date, Billed flag, and Billed amount.

Best Practices: Run Grant Expenditure Allocation (GM120) as often as needed. Best practices suggests running GM120 as frequent as AC190. The frequency for running GM120 is dependent on the user's need to view updated project funding balances including Grant Eligible Expenditures and Funding Balance Remaining.

Always run Grant Expenditure Allocation (GM120) in non-update mode first and validate allocation is correct by reviewing Grant Expenditure Allocation Detail Report.

Use this procedure to process grant expenditure allocation (non-update).

  1. Access Grant Expediture Allocation (GM120).
  2. Specify an appropriate Job Name and Description.
  3. The default setting of the User Name field is your employee number, while the default setting of the Data Area/ID field is the environment that you are using.
  4. Define the selection criteria on the Activity tab by specifying one or more parameters. Use these guidelines to specify the field values:
    Activity Group List

    Select or specify the activity group list that you want to process or allocate the expenditures.

    Activity Group

    Select or specify the activity group that you want to process or allocate the expenditures.


    Select or specify the activities that you want to process or allocate the expenditures. The activity is calculated on GM120. You can select up to six different activities.

    Activity List

    Select the predefined list which represents the list of contracts you would like to process or allocate expenditures.


    (Optional) This field determines whether the allocation is processed and the system is updated with the allocated amounts or just a report is produced reflecting how amounts will be allocated if run in update mode. The default setting is No, allowing the user to review amounts prior to update. Ensure the amounts are correct before you run in update mode. Select Yes to update the system with expenditure allocation amounts.

    Note: Update will update to the pay request header and detail records. If you run Grant Expenditures Allocation (GM120) in update mode, and add costs and run again, then the same pay request number is used for the new expenditures created.
  5. Access the Data Options tab. Use these guidelines to specify the field values:
    Through Date Option

    Choose a through date option: Posting Date (P) or Transaction Date (T).

    This is selection criteria for selecting the activity expenditures (ACTRANS) to include in the allocation. If you select transaction date, then it will process all transactions with a transaction date (e.g. purchase order date, invoice date, time record date, etc.) less than or equal to the date entered. If you select posting date, then it will process all transactions with a GL and AC posting date less than or equal to the date entered.

    Use this option to determine if Grant Expenditures Allocation (GM120) will use the posting date or transaction date of transactions (along with the Though Date) to select transactions to include in the billing calculation.

    Through Date

    Specify the through date for selecting expenditure records.

    Transactions not yet billed that have a transaction or posting date less than or equal to the date that you enter in this field are included in the billing calculation. Determine whether the program uses the transaction date or the posting date by choosing one in the Through Date Options field.

    Pay Request Date

    This field lets you identify the date that you want to create the pay request. If you leave this field blank, then the system date is used for the Pay Request Date. The pay request date that you enter here will be used as selection criteria when you run the Grant Request for Reimbursement (GM121).

Reports generated by GM120

File name Form Report name Content
GM120.prt GM120 Job submission parameters

Displays job parameters for your Multi-Funded Project Contract Activities.

Includes the contract activity group, activity or activity list, update option, user name, job name, step number, date and time.

Report also displays a message Processing GM120 - Grant Expenditure Allocation.

An Error Report is also included when No records found to match selection criteria.

summary1 for Grant and External Funding Sources GMIP.1 Grant Expenditures Allocation Summary

Preview of the request for reimbursements for Grants and External Funding Sources.

The report includes totals by contract and grant pay request cost classification. The report also includes the request number, contract, grant, grantor, and grantor contact information and funding source balances.

Summary1 for Internal Non-Grant Funding Sources GMIP.1 Non-Grant Fund Expenditures Allocation Summary

Preview of the journal entries generated for the Internal Non-Grant Funding sources.

Report includes the contract, contract activity, funding source, and the grant or funding source that is matched and funding source balances.

allocated GM120 Grant Expenditure Allocation Detail

Report provides ever activity cost transaction that will be allocated to the funding sources by contract and funding source.

The underfunded column indicates that there is no funding available to allocate the transaction. GM120 will stop processing and not allocate any transactions until funding is available. The report also includes allocation detail for each funding source and provides a running balance of the funding remaining for each Contract, Contract Activity, Internal and External Funding Source combination.

unprocess GM120 Unprocessed Transaction Report Displays activity cost transactions that have either exceeded funding available for the funding source or have activities and/or account categories flagged as ineligible for allocation. Unpaid accounts payable transactions will also be listed with and noted that the transaction is on hold.
errors2 IIFIM.1 Concurrent Processing Exceptions

Lists contract and error message.

Contracts will be skipped when they are included in other GM120 process running.