Defining manual commitments

A commitment is an expense that will be charged to an activity at a future date. Manual commitments enable you to designate an expense before you receive an invoice, or for miscellaneous expenses that will not go through other Lawson systems. In other words, you can include an expense obligation to be counted against your budget before you actually incur the expense. Use this procedure to create manual commitments.

  1. Access Manual Commitments Transaction Entry (AC46.1).
  2. Specify or select the details of the commitment. Use these guidelines to specify the field values:

    Specify or select the activity for the commitment.

    Acct Cat

    Specify or select the account category for the commitment.

    Trans Date

    Specify or select the date of the transaction.

    Exp Date

    Specify or select an end (or expiration) date for the manual commitment.

    Note: The batch purge Manual Commitments Purge (AC346) uses this date.

    You can specify or select a currency for the transaction.


    Specify the amount for the commitment in the transaction currency.


    Specify a description of the manual commitment transaction.

    Note: If the resource information is the same for all the transaction lines you enter, then you can use Default Information (AC46.3) to define resource information for all transaction lines instead of clicking the More link for each individual transaction.
  3. (Optional) To define additional resource information for each transaction, access Additional Information (AC46.4) by clicking the More link on each line. Additional information includes resource type, resource company, and resource code. If additional information exists for a transaction, then an asterisk (*) displays next to the More link.
  4. (Optional) After you add a commitment transaction, you can analyze the totals on Commitment Detail Analysis (AC98.1). Click the Totals link by the transaction line.

Related reports and inquiries

To Use
Create a list of current manual commitments and details Manual Commitments Listing (AC246)
Create a list of all summarized activity commitments (including manual commitments) Activity Commitment Summary (AC295)
Create a detailed list of all commitments (including manual commitments)

Commitment Detail Report (AC298)

Note: UNIX/Windows: This report does not include released ACTRANS commitments.

IBM i: This report does not include released DBACATN commitments.

View activity budgets, actuals, and commitments (including manual commitments) Activity Analysis (AC90) or Account Category Analysis (AC95)
View commitment detail records (including manual commitments)

Commitment Detail Analysis (AC98)

Note: UNIX/Windows: These records do not include released ACTRANS commitments.

IBM i: These records do not include released DBACATN commitments.