When I run Grant Expenditure Allocation (GM120) project expenditure transactions are not allocated to project funding?


If expenditure transactions are not allocated when GM120 is run, check the following setup:

  1. Verify that the contract is in an Approved status by viewing GM20.

  2. Verify contract funding amounts. You can do this by viewing the contract and funding source remaining balance amounts on Multi Funded Contract (GM20) amounts tabs. If there is not enough funding to allocate 100% of an expenditure transaction, it will not be processed and will list the under-funded amount on the Grant Expenditures Allocation Detail report in the Under Funded Column. The expenditure transaction and all expenditures processed after it will be listed on the Grant Expenditures Unprocessed Report generated by GM120.

  3. Verify contract funding percents. You can do this by viewing the funding tab on Multi-Funded Contract (GM20). If there is funding available, but the funding percents do not equal or exceed 100%, the transaction cannot be fully allocated and it will not be processed. Again, it will list on the Grant Expenditures Unprocessed Report generated by GM120.

  4. Verify the grant or non-fund grant status is active. You can do this by viewing the Grant via GM15 and the Non-Grant Fund via GM16. Grant Expenditure Allocation (GM120) will not process funding sources with an inactive status.

  5. Verify the activity cost transactions (ACTRANS) are flagged as Billable = Yes. Billable is determined by Activity (AC10) billable flag, Account Category (AC08) Detail, and Account Category Override (AC06).