Creating Requisitions for Equipment and Supplies

This procedure outlines the process for creating a requisition for equipment or supplies by directly entering information on a requisition.

Note: There are several ways to use the Requisitions application to create requisitions. Lawson recommends you use the Requisitions User Guide for complete procedures on the setup and processing of requisitions.

To create a requisition

  1. Access Requisition (RQ10.1).
  2. Select a requester ID in the Requester field.
  3. If you are using the automatic numbering feature, you can leave the Requisition Number field blank. If you are not using the automatic numbering feature, type a requisition number.
  4. Define your requisition header information.
    Note: You can choose accounting unit and activity information for each individual line item by using the fields on the Line Detail tab. (See step 8.)
  5. If you want to define default information for all your requisition lines, use the Miscellaneous page. Use the following guidelines to enter field values:
    Accounting Unit

    You can choose the applicable accounting unit if you want to default the accounting unit onto every newly added line.


    You can choose the applicable account and subaccount if you want to default this value onto every newly added line. These fields make up the expense account for the requisition charges.


    You can choose an applicable activity if you want to default this value onto every newly added line.

    When you add or change a requisition line for an activity, the Requisition system logic checks the activity budget. The system creates a budget commitment record when you release the requisition.


    You can choose an applicable account category if you want to default this value onto every newly added line.


    Select a value indicating the suggested vendor code for the requisition. The suggested vendor prints on the requisition when you run Print Requisitions (RQ111). The vendor can be changed when a purchase order is created. The vendor must be previously defined in Vendor (AP10.1).

    For information on vendor defaulting, visit the Knowledge Base.

  6. Optional. If you want to enter drop ship information, use the Drop Ship page. A drop ship location is a non-standard location, such as the requester's location. The vendor ships items directly to the drop ship location, not to the company's receiving location.
  7. Enter requisition line items using the Lines page.
    1. Select the Add line action.
    2. Select the item number.
      Note: To view valid units of measure for the item, place the cursor in the Item field, choose the Drill Around button, and select Valid Units of Measure.
      Note: Adding requisition lines can invoke a budget edit, but you are allowed to add the lines.
    3. Type the quantity and select the unit of measure.
  8. To enter line detail for an individual line, use the appropriate form tab:
    To Use
    Set the account and activity information for a line Line Detail tab
    Set the Create PO flag to Yes to indicate demand on a vendor Line Detail tab
    Specify a vendor and purchase from location for that vendor Purchasing tab
    Select a major and minor purchasing class Classes tab
    Select Deliver To information Miscellaneous tab

    Select Fill or Kill processing

    If you want to override the value selected for the requesting location, you can do so for an individual line.

    Miscellaneous tab
    Select a comment code for a previously defined comment Miscellaneous tab
  9. Add the requisition by choosing the Add button.
  10. Optional. If you want to distribute costs to multiple accounts, activities, or account categories, you can add multiple account, activities, or account category distributions to any non-stock, special, or service item but only to IS transactions for inventory items.
  11. Optional. If you want to add additional information, you can add comments to the header or to an individual line.
    To Select
    Add comments that apply to the entire requisition Add Comments button on the Header page.
    Add comments that apply to an individual line item Add Comments button on the Line Detail form tab of the Lines page.
    Note: Activity commitments are created at the time of release. Releasing the requisition can invoke a budget exceeded message if the requisition amount exceeds the budget.
  12. Release the requisition by choosing the Release button.

Related Reports and Inquiries

To Use
Print a group of requisitions or an individual requisition Print Requisitions (RQ111)