Defining Grant Eligible Account Categories (GM20.4)
Use this form to view and maintain grant eligible account categories. This form lists all of the cost account categories assigned to the activity. The account categories flagged as eligible Y represent the eligible uses of funds for the grant. If an account category record exists with an eligible = Y for the contract/grant/activity combination, it is eligible for expenditure allocation for the grant by Grant Expenditure Allocation (GM120).
Use this form to flag or override account categories as N - Not Eligible for grant reimbursement.
Records are automatically created when the grant is assigned to a Multi-Funded Contract as a valid funding source in GM20.1. Cost account categories assigned to the activities flagged as active and billable Y (Yes) on the Activity Structure (AC08) and Override Activity (AC06) will be created as eligible Y.
Cost classifications are automatically assigned to account category based on the cost classification template assigned to the Grant (GM15).
It is important that you assign the same grant budget cost classifications to your eligible cost account categories assigned to your contract grant funding sources. See Override Account Categories.
Use this procedure to update grant eligible account categories.