Defining Grant Eligible Activities (GM20.2)

Use this form to view and maintain grant eligible activities. This form lists all of the posting level activities assigned to the contract activity. The activities flagged as eligible Y represent the eligible uses of funds for the grant. If a posting activity record exists with an eligible = Y for the contract/grant combination, it is eligible for expenditure allocation for the grant by Grant Expenditure Allocation (GM120).

Use this form to flag or override activities as N - Not Eligible for grant reimbursement.

Records are automatically created when the grant is assigned to a Multi-Funded Contract as a valid funding source in GM20.1. Posting level activities flagged as billable Y (Yes) or H (Hold) on Activity setup (AC10) will be created as eligible Y.

Note: Any updates made to Activities via AC10 after the contract exists will automatically update grant eligible activities.

To update grant eligible activities

  1. Access Grant Eligible Activities (GM20.2).
  2. Select the Contract.
  3. Select the Grant and click the Inquire action.
  4. Update the grant activities eligibility flag. Use the following guidelines to enter field values:
    Position To

    Type a specific activity where you want the inquiry to begin.


    Select the action you want to perform on this line


    Select an eligible activity flag. Valid values include Y (Yes) eligible expenditure for grant reimbursement, N (No) not an eligible expenditure for grant reimbursement. The user can override eligible activities to ineligible by changing the eligible flag.

    Valid values are Y = Eligible; N = Ineligible


    Posting level activities assigned to the contract.

    Account Category

    Click the account category button to transfer to Grant Eligible Account Categories. This form defines or lists the cost account categories that are eligible for reimbursement by the grant.