What are the source codes for Grant Billing?
Answer: Grant Pay Request (GM121) creates Grant Billing journal entries with a system code of GM - Grant Management, and source code BI - Billing Entries.
If using Modified Accrual Revenue Recognition, the following programs will create journal entries with the following source codes:
Multi-Funded Contract (GM20) creates appropriation entries for non-grant or internal funding with a source code of GG - Grant Appropriation Entries.
Contract Funding Adjustment (GM40) creates entries funding adjustment entries for non-grant or internal funding adjustments or transfers with a source code of GH - Grant Funding Adjustment Entries.
AR Distribution Closing (AR190/AR195) creates revenue journal entries for cash application (AR30 or AR32) :
GF - Grant Deferred Revenue (posts to contract level activity)
GV - Grant Revenue (posts to posting level activity)
AR Distribution (AR190/AR195) creates reversing entries for reversals entered via Payment Application Reversal (AR80):
GX - Grant Deferred Revenue Reverse (posts to contract level activity)
GZ - Grant Revenue Reverse (posts to posting level activity)